

09.05.2018 01:20
Linkhow do you deal with someone coded as normal in your head
something that you can hardly explain why it happens..
im scared.
i don't know why.
something just tells me to be unable to do anything.
something just decides to make me feel so helpless
im scared to do anything
because you're just going to ****ing make some remark
i dont want summer
i dont want people
i just want to be alone
i dont want you to ask me why
because frankly, i don't know why
i dont know why im like this

09.05.2018 01:24
Linki dont want to be like this
but im scared of the people who want to help
im scared
im scared
im scared
im scared
i'm helpless
i'm weak
i'm all of the above
that's all i am

09.05.2018 01:29
Linki cant even do a normal thing everyone does
literally everyone.
im ****ing stupid.