{Falling colors}


12.09.2019 04:23
Linkgeez this is COOL
how many frames did it take- I can't animate smooth like that

12.09.2019 04:24
Link40 frames

12.09.2019 04:25
Linko o f
I'm gonna make my falling animation 50 then- (no my finger will die first)

12.09.2019 04:26
Linkoh Oof

12.09.2019 04:34
Linkahh- I can't do barely anything on fa because of school ;v;
I only make 2-3 decent drawings per week now (weekends hhhhh)
*shouting "BAN HOMEWORK"*

12.09.2019 04:36
Linklol I have school but my teacher gives us one math problem and reading so it pretty easy to finish my hw unless missing asignments -w-

12.09.2019 04:37
but I kinda feel like 7th grade is easier than 6th grade
maybe because I have actual friends

12.09.2019 04:39
LinkIDK I have maney friend but I dont really talk to them accept like two and my first real friend moved last year.

12.09.2019 04:41
oh- that reminded me of a yarn ball and crochet hook that my friend let me take home to make a bracelet
ima make it longer

12.09.2019 04:42
Linkoh wow I used to do that but I stopped and forget how to do that X>

12.09.2019 04:43
LinkHHHH- oh no it messed up in the backpack
ima watch tutorial to see how I make a slip knot-

12.09.2019 04:44
Linkoh -w-