21.12.2019 08:16
Linkhello!and how are you?i know you're not online right now,i will wait.so,if you remember,you asked if i could do art trade with you(in the attached anim comments).im sorry that i said i agreed to do it but didn't upload like this so we could discuss about it.i didn't have the time but now i do.
21.12.2019 08:21
Linkbuuut,in this attached anim there,you asked me if i could draw Half and Half if i can.Also,IM SORRY i didn't replied to your comment that time.i didn't read back my comment,so i didn't notice until a few days.forgive me?.
ok,back to it.we agreed to do art trade.but then you asked if i could draw Half And Half.that would turn out to be a request.so,you want to art trade with me or you want to request me?
07.01.2020 14:01
LinkI am a little busy with school at the moment but I will contact you as soon as I can do that art trade! What would you like me to draw for you?