Contest with prizes


02.01.2019 23:22
LinkThe prompt of this contest is "DRAGON QUEEN" because Ive noticed that many people call me this nickname sometimes :)
But your entry does NOT have to be a drawing of me. It can be whatever you can think of, funny entries are appreciated too, basically anything goes. Just be creative and draw your best, Im excited to see what everyone comes up with.
This contest should last about a week, I will make an announcement when it is ending. And there are PRIZES:
EVERYONE who enters will get a request drawn by me, but I will also select the #1 best entry, and they will get a HIGH-QUALITY request drawing (for an idea of what is high-quality look at my featured drawings)
Good luck!

02.01.2019 23:40
LinkJust to clarify the theme is Dragon Queen

03.01.2019 02:12
LinkGasp* gasp* here...gasp* enterd. Faints*

03.01.2019 02:15
LinkI ran to my I pad...I'm out of breath...also I did this with my finger
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08.01.2019 23:58
Linki wanna be the dragon queeeeeeeeeeeen aw

08.01.2019 23:58

09.01.2019 14:55
LinkYou can submit an entry! I love seeing your dragons, you draw them really well :)

09.01.2019 20:49
LinkHere you go. One of my best drawings ever lol.

i cant do dragons but this might give me some motivation for once in my sad sad life