
Sleepy Kitten Meme

Lancer's Dad


Romeo & Juliet but a Nutshell

Request from SliceOfPi3 :3

Flower Fright
well bye bye Flipanim uwu


01.01.2019 18:38
Linki´m sorry just sorry i´m here 2 years my ´´quality´´ is bad i never get s star :D just bye uwu (it´s not a joke)

01.01.2019 18:42

01.01.2019 19:01
Linkyou will not leave fren

i could be DEAD right now , i have a disease that can kill me ! its called Polycystic Kidney Disease . that means i have siss on my kidneys and if it gets worse i have to get surgurie and if they mess up and touch the siss i could die! and ivd been fighting for years and its my b-day on the 4th and i dont want to die but i fight and it does not matter if u dont have a star ivd been on for 2 years and i dont but do i care, no i dont. and my drawings are bad but its ok. just dont go..... to many people have left me...

Uhm...Bianqui you don't need feature you are just so great at drawings.You don't need it,just when you make a smooth or something with shading you get feature.But I didn't get feature too.I don't need feature I'm just happy with my art and really happy with my followers.Please stay with us...We need you..Alisa56 needs you,mikellinofan1,Blans,Jc,Uni and me...