W/ VanessaT223 only
18.05.2019 19:19
18.05.2019 19:20
18.05.2019 19:22
LinkI’ll use Raymond & Jason
18.05.2019 19:23
LinkMk! Imma use Cassie and Orchid
18.05.2019 19:24
LinkOrchid has no pic but her hair is auburn and she's outgoing and really sexy but also doesn't realize it
18.05.2019 19:27
Jason: bi, shy, tries not to “do it”
Raymond: Is the total opposite of his brother Jason
18.05.2019 19:27
LinkMk cule!
17.06.2019 06:50
LinkHehe I'm proving my fren wrong
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Raymond: LISTEN TO ME OK *takes a deep breath in* I’m trying to stop I haven’t raped anyone in two months now which is a good sign I’m trying to be a father of idk 12 kids who are all younger than 9 I have a bad past I’m trying to fix it I just need help....lots of help
Jason: Oh do u wanna talk about it
Cassie: That's the thing I remember it but don't... It disappears when I think about it."
Orchid: But what you do is so wrong. Think about how you felt when that doctor did... That to me. That's how all those women felt, and anybody who loved them. And I'll still love you, even if you do what you do but. But imagine those feelings for all of those women." *Rests head on your head*
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Orchid: *Gets out and closes the door softly and walks in* "Hmm ok first to straighten things out then to get medicine *Walks to the front desk* Hi. My name is Orchid. You got a call from me for an ambulance yesterday? Yes well I want to report a... Well sort of rape of one of your doctors.
Cassie: Ok Jason do it
Cassie: *Moans*
Lady: No that's our best doctor. Sorry dear but he'd never do that. Go bother someone who cares.
Orchid: *The doctor meets her gaze and his gaze lights up with anger, envy and something else as he walked towards her* "My my. I hear someone did that to you? Well who would? To someone who's so, beautiful? *He brushed her face*
Raymond: ok...Well me and orchid was doing it this morning
Jason: we heard
Raymond: *gulps* Ok then...afterwards we got some vapes well she did last night we just decided to smoke some this morning but I guess her lungs weren’t having that so she started coughing like crazy then she fell on the steps and we went to the hospital afterwards we walked home or at least tried to...and this happened
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Orchid: *The figures look at her, almost hungry look in their glowing eyes and they step out of the shadows*
???: Well well. Lookie who we have? Took ya long enough to find me!
Orchid: *Falls backwards and answers phone* Ray? I-i'm two minutes away and you call?
???: *Takes her phone and imitates her voice* Hold on lemme call you back in a minute, my parents are calling
Cassie: *Moans*
Orchid: *Nods* Sound-sounds ab-about right... A-and h- *Eyes widen* HE FOUND... ME! HOW?! *Breathing hard as fear sets in* H-HE f-found me... And......... *Puts her knees to her chest and rocks back and fourth* I'm s-so sorry f-for bringing you b-back i-into this
Cassie: *Smiles* It's been a while since we were able to go this long without you getting sick
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I have been waiting for you for 13 days ;~; I really really miss you I can’t wait for you to come back I really hope your summer is going well cause mines isn’t lots have been going on and it’s hard I’m having trouble with dealing with the changes that is going on around me *crying a bit* I really wish you were here right now but I have no control of what happens in life....I could type how much I miss you all day but sadly I can’t I really hope u come back soon.
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