Jae's back


31.01.2019 15:43
LinkName- Jae Hyun Kong
Likes-playing piano or guitar-ducks-oil painting
Dislikes- large crowds-most people in the field of science (has to do with his past)
Extra-Jae grew up with Tania as friends, they’ve always been relatively close up until now, he was raised in the lab his entire life unlike Tania who her and her family got out when he was 5, he grew up there without his parents, and was just given to the faculty no charge, there he was probed and picked at , he escaped and is now living with Jodi (one of mads characters) he’s sarcastic, and can come off as rude at times, when really he’s just defensive because poor boi is too afraid to let people get close to him again in fear of rejection, but he’s a real sweetheart if he trusts you, he can now control his abilities with bending and forging fire

31.01.2019 15:45

31.01.2019 15:46
Linkold ver ----->

Jae: okay 0v0, uh, so ya see,lets just say most people aren't very fond of me *he'd give a bit of a chuckle* or atleast a group of them, and i knew it wouldn't have been fair if i...well ya know :V so i just let them do what they wanted
(sum it up in more setail, he was tied to a chair and whipped, once he'd had enough (3 days of torture) he was like yeah no, and finally managed to escape)

Jae:*he'd pause, chuckling a bit* i just realized i'd be doing the same thing back home than here, just sitting, staring at a wall...i need to start picking up hobbies to take my mind off of- *clears his throught* to keep myself occupied ^^"
(I cAn't EaT
i CaNt SlEeP
WhEn YoURE nOt
HeRe WiTh Me
I gEt AnXiEtY)