Jae's back/redesign


06.11.2018 05:11
LinkThis is Jae, he was born in Korea but adopted by an american family, he doesn't have an accent btw, he’s selfless to few, quiet, and antisocial, spending most of his time alone at the city park feeding the ducks, if you get to know him he can become quite over protective
Gender: Male
<3: strait
Species:Super human
Interests:playing piano-guitar-and violin, he really likes ducks, painting
First Name:Jae
Last Name:Kong

06.11.2018 05:12
Linkhis skin heats to extremely high temperatures when stressed or angered, he has control over fire and heat but he doesn't know how to use it, he escaped from a lab in the middle of the desert and is now currently on the run

06.11.2018 05:15
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Jae:* he's cheeks flush lightly but it's not noticeable cause aw, smiles a little sticking his hands in his pocket and walks toward the door* c'mon princess you're going to have fun today weather you like it or not
(again, i friggen love them, i'm not letting this ship go to waste like i do with every other and i'm keeping ya boi around for a wile )
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(there's a knock on the door)
Jae:*hesitantly opens the door* hello-
(looking directly down the barrel of a plasma gun, at least 100 other men behind)
???: long time no see old friend, ready to rejoin us? i'm sure Tania would be thrilled *a sickening grin spreads across his cheeks as people apprehend him, cuffing him in restraints that consume his whole hand* we want to get some information out of you so minus well take her too *men roughly grab her, put a bag over her head and restrain her* hm....have a nice trip
Jae: wait no leave her out of this-
???:*hits him hard over the head with his gun, knocking him out instantly*

Jae:*looks at her, jostles around in his chair*
???: *goes to press the button again*
Jae:*his hair and surrounding burst into flames hotter than the surface of the sun, blinding and burning ??? to ashes why was much closer in proximity to him than Jodi, the metal on his char melting, he stands, still on fire he burns off her restraints and goes to help her, pausing to look at his hands, he can't touch her without hurting her*
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