

18.05.2017 23:27
LinkDats Doooope.

25.05.2017 19:25
Linkremember the soliderssssss that died for usssssss

25.05.2017 19:25
Linkremember the soliderssssss that died for usssssss

13.06.2017 01:58
LinkYes.. always remember these soldiers.

13.10.2017 16:27
LinkI don't support the military because they kill other militaries that I also don't support. You can have your opinions though, I don't really have a problem with yours or anyone else's.

07.12.2017 19:18
Linkyou also can forget them

06.01.2018 05:19
Linkdude this is one of the coolest things ever

19.02.2018 19:06
LinkDopazTopaz,dude,the **** is wrong with you,they fight and go through all that trauma to keep your ungrateful ass alive,and sure they kill other people to win,but that's war,it's a sick thing and no one likes it,but people are ****ing stupid and can't just deal with their shit so they created war,you can have your opinions i don't care,but how about you go out on that field and see how hard it is to shoot someone who probably has a family,it's not easy,solders aren't ruthless killers they're strong,brave,smart people who want to keep their home running as long as they can,don't know the people they're saving but they do it anyway,i want you to think about that for a wile,and try not to be a dick about shit you don't even know about,thanks

13.03.2018 01:16
LinkI'm with Frost-The-Wolf. Do you think the military ENJOYS taking lives? have you not seen the brave men and woman who have been mentally disturbed after their first kill? these people fight and risk dying on the field so that we can sleep at night without worrying about being dragged into hell. show some respect

14.06.2018 04:17
LinkPeople don’t serve to kill, they serve to save. The military can actually help people in other countries who don’t like their current leaders and those who are oppressed. Not all people serving even kill, and those who do don’t just kill for fun. They kill so others can be free and experience life, even at the cost of their own life. What these people do is noble and honorable, not bloodthirsty and cruel. That’s why people who served in the military have these mental issues a lot of times. They are willing to die or suffer through with stuff like ptsd so you don’t have to. They aren’t murderers, they are heroes

15.06.2018 22:34
uhm...some people do need to be killed ya know and...some military soldiers uh...they join because they want to kill...oh, and sometimes when one country tries to help another it just makes things worse for the already suffering country.

06.07.2018 06:07
LinkI'm with the ppl above me.. Mostly because I'm military as is my father and my uncle.. Luckily ptsd never got ahold of me or my father. But I take no offense of other peoples opinions I just keep my family safe and I
" personally" like to think I serve and come back from underway or deployment, to come home to some burgers and beer. Long story short I support all my brothers and sisters out there giving their lives, or taking their own lives. ( PTSD OR DEPRESSION)

12.08.2018 15:09
LinkHonestly I don't know how I feel about the military. They take lives to save our lives, yet they still take lives. I'm pretty neutral at the moment about this topic, but there's no need to use fowl language to discus your distress. It's better to he respectful, even though you're making a clear point.

20.08.2018 21:06
Just be grateful dammit.

24.09.2018 07:53
LinkAll above
Me dad and his twin fought in two wars... only me dad made it home , as his brother was shot while he was trying to save innocent bystanders. So really the military does kill, yes, but they also save others, and they'll sacrifice themselves to do it. Afterall, every soldier sacrifices his/her mind and body when he/she joins. Their mind becomes trained for war and is never truly the same, and their bodies get spent by training and fighting. They protect their country and believe they're in the right, which is just what the other side thinks as well. So even if they killed, they've killed for the 'right' reason, and they should all be respected for the choices and sacrifices made.
Comment removed

17.11.2018 03:18
Linkheyyy im like 200 niiiiice

17.11.2018 03:18
Linkalso pew pew pew

25.11.2018 23:10
LinkI agree with the people above. My Grandpa served in the Navy. He doesn't have PTSD, thank god. I don't know a lot about it, mainly because we don't talk about it, but I know that he didn't join to murder, he joined to help our country. I hate it when people take the army for granted, and sometimes even don't support them. And, DopazTopaz, you are one of those people who do that. You should be more grateful. You could have be dead without the army, or you could be controlled by Japan or even the Nazis/Germany.

29.11.2018 02:14
LinkMay da soldiers rest in peace

03.12.2018 05:20
LinkAhem one sentence please... LETS MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!
Comment removed

24.12.2018 01:14
LinkPfft, #triggered. DopazTopaz just stated their opinion, you sound like a wailing triggered feminist who uses Tumblr to go after men who "assume people's genders".

13.03.2019 05:31
LinkCan we just enjoy the picture please? ;-;

16.06.2019 21:17
LinkAww all of these comments above me are heart breaking owo

11.08.2019 13:56

01.10.2019 12:50
Linkall of you need to get jobs, no cap

20.12.2019 16:11
LinkFor the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

22.03.2020 05:33

23.03.2020 18:17
Linklmao love this chain

23.03.2020 23:15
Linkthis chain is by far the most amazing thing I have EVER seen.

23.03.2020 23:49
LinkLolz my sis just got back from the military....they fuqed her up-

24.03.2020 00:04
LinkOh no.

21.05.2020 15:47
LinkMy uncle, aunt, dad, my grandmas dad, and even more people of my family (most of them anyway) have fought and have risked their lives just to save their country! And for soldiers it can be harder when a family member is moved to another country and the 2 family members have to fight against each other if there is war! It happened many times, and to you ungrateful people of America or other countries you probably DON'T have a parent leave for YEARS just to serve Your country in the military and you cry every night waiting for them to come home, because you DON'T know if your parent dead or alive, and if they get deployed again too it hurts even MORE! Soldiers have to leave their treasured family's to free their country or keep it free! SO **** YOU UNGRATEFUL BRATS WHO DON'T LIKE HOW SOILDERS HAVE TO KILL TO KEEP YOU UGLY ASS ALIVE!

21.05.2020 15:48
LinkThat was a long paragraph :|

06.07.2020 15:02

22.11.2020 05:38
Linkbro stfu some people were against the military due to the fact that families were losing members of their families and anti war protest broke out but some people are were ok with war which is understandable due to terrorism and such but people can share their opinions this isnt a ****ing protest so shut the **** up

14.01.2021 19:00
Link RESPECT THE VETS - Flamingo

28.03.2021 09:17
LinkAhem, its a little odd how people go into the military and have war. I wonder if some people in the military think it's wrong what they're doing. When you join the military, you do tests, physical training, mental training, and whatnot, right? So, are you really prepared for war? I mean, come on, all you've done was learn, workout, and do activities. You haven't actually experienced any war, (unless you have of course). So, I don't think they train you enough to go to war. I think they need to train harder or maybe put cameras on the helmets of soldiers when on the field so trainees can see what it'll be like from their perspective and to see if they'll quit or not. So, that's all I have to say. And also, for the people who think the military is bad, you probably wouldn't be typing your comments if it weren't for the military so be grateful.

13.08.2021 02:13
Linkwar needs to be stopped peace needs to be back land can be claimed but i dont support the military because they take lives while being forced to fight because other countries are threatening them

25.06.2022 15:32
LinkMy dad was a Soldier.He had to fight in 2 wars.Now he's a cop.

03.03.2024 01:34
Comment removed

Ah, the army. I love the army but at the same time I forget everybody who served in it; and never think about them because im probably making an animation so screw me.
Comment removed

I agree with the people above too, except, DopazTopaz, The soldiers who fought in the war didn't agree of death for both sides, they simply wanted to make the world a better place. And no they did NOT enjoy killing people, they're so innocent! So if you don't stop being an ungratefull piece of shit, we could all remember them in peace. P.S By the way- Many of our relatives have fought in the war, not to murder people, but to simply save the country.