Contest! Read comment below
12.07.2018 13:18
LinkDraw yourself, your persona, or any OC in the outfit of your favourite super hero! If the costume completely covers the person (like Spiderman or Deadpool) or covers up enough that you can't tell who it is (like Batman), you can take off the hood/head cover.
ALTERNATE: draw yourself, your persona, or any OC meeting your favourite super hero. It could be in any way - them saving you from something, you meeting them, I don't know. Use your imagination!
- Redos are fine, as are multiple entries
- If you have more than 2 entries, I'm only going to judge two of them
- That's basically it
- first place: follow, fan art, 15 likes
- second place: fan art, 15 likes
- third place: 15 likes
The due date is July 20 at 11:30 EST (approximately a week from now). But if someone asks before hand, I will give some leeway with that date.
12.07.2018 16:27
LinkOkay I'm going to add ANOTHER alternate... if you want to do someone like Hulk, who doesn't really have a costume, you can draw yourself as them I guess?
12.07.2018 17:45
LinkHere's an example of an entry: