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17.01.2019 13:03
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this is what bugs me most about the whole "io fakes child abuse" thing. he's making it less believable that anyone here is really being abused. let me explain. by claiming he is abused, he's filling up what i call "believable victim slots". basically, there's a certain amount of people that can say they suffer from something before everyone starts doubting everyone. it shrinks and grows with the number of people on this site. believe it or not, flipanim is actually a kinda small place; yes, they're very active, but that doesn't mean it's a large community. which means not everyone can claim to be abused. every time someone fakes depression, abuse, whatever, they're using up a slot that could've gone to someone who's ACTUALLY being abused and need help. people here could be giving that person comfort, help relieve their anxieties and give them the confidence they need to tell somebody who can help.
17.01.2019 13:04
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but when the bvs' are being used up by fakers, it hurts the people who are actually abused, and can eventually lead to the person abused thinking their problems aren't important and live their life being abused by their parents. do you really want that? do you want to make innocent people feel like their actually serious, possibly life-threatening problems are nothing, just so you can get a couple of likes and people saying "aww feel better bb :(("? child abuse itself is probably one of the worse things; in any form. even in it's best (verbal abuse), it can cause the child to develop anxiety, depression, personality disorders, autism, the list goes on. hell, i have it good compared to some others, my parents are just verbal abusers with very light and very occasional physical abuse. and even then, i'm STILL severely depressed with chronic anxiety, and chances are i might even have some sort of personality disorder. and it's all because of my parents being verbally abusive. can you even IMAGINE what people
17.01.2019 13:04
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who are sexually and physically abused almost all the time? that completely ****ing ruins them! my depression's basically gone (or at least, weakened) as soon as i leave my parent's house, but people who have it worse than me? they have that shit for life. ptsd doesn't just go away when they move out. the fact that they can't trust people or develop connections anymore doesn't go flying out the window. stockholm syndrome doesn't go away, and hell, it makes everything WORSE because they want to stay. and you're denying them help and comfort because everyone's too busy dealing with your bullshit to help them. irish, you ****ing disgust me. nobody's forgiving you for anything after this. and don't you dare even try to pull the victim card, it was your choice to fake being abused. you brought all of this upon yourself.
18.01.2019 00:27
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I was abused in one of those ways I am not telling you which specific type of abuse because your going to never let it go
17.01.2019 13:08
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This is very true I do suffer from anxiety depression and they just upped my medicine a couple days ago and it makes me rlly tired and makes me snap easily.
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