Goretober 15: Scarred
15.10.2017 18:23
LinkHave you ever been scarred for life? If so write your story down in the comments below ^w^
I'd say in about 4th grade I went on a class field trip. It was down to one of my classmates houses, cause' they lived on the waterside. The field trip was learning about sea life. See, before that I didn't care about the ocean because I didn't know what LIVED in it. The mom was telling us all about the snails, like the moon snail, (Which we found, but I'm not gonna elaborate on that), and crabs, jellyfish, etc. See, Crabs weren't bad. Snails I hated. we walked down to the docks (Underneath) and looked around. I got sprayed by gooey ducks. Yay. But, we came across a big rock. They turned it over. I saw something that looked like a tounge. a moving tounge. Now, I don't like things like this. Running and screaming i ran up to the top of the docks and started crying for my dear life. Whether its what lives in the ocean, or how you can drown, I have a Thalassophobia. Fear of the ocean. I wont tolerate with it.
15.10.2017 18:26
Link//I mean, I can kayak on it, I can go on a boat in it, I just wont swim. I will only swim in a pool, unless i'm forced to swim in the ocean/and or lake. Seaweed especially, if it touches me I will scream and run back to shore. Tbh it feels like an arm grabbing you when your swimming and it touched you. Well that's all. I hope to hear your stories.
17.10.2017 02:45
LinkI was at that field trip xD
We never found SpongeBob :'(
20.10.2017 01:26
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25.11.2017 01:34
LinkI've seen my grandma's tits...
I was about 3 or 4, and I saw a light bulb- Me thinking "oh! A chicken nugget!!" (I was okay?) As my mom was asleep, tired from me and Ci-
I picked the "chicken nugget light bulb" and bit it,not enough to break it,but to know its not a chicken nugget XD,I threw it, and it blew up over the hard floor,it busted and pieces of glass flew on my hand, proceeding in a scar for the rest of my life its been 6 or 7 years, and I remember this day, a lot-n
(scared or scarred- i chose scarred)
I don't think I've ever truly been scarred before but I remember when I was little I would get sick a lot and they would give me liquid pepto bismol and I hated it cuz it tasted so horrible it made me wanna vomit but they would grab me and hold me down and forcefully poured that stuff down my throat and I hated it I was shook
And now every time I see something pink I remember that and get slightly nauseous
I'v never been really scarred but this one time I had a toothache and my nana shoved beer down meh throat it was horrible ;-;
i'm scared of bananas
my friend told me that bananas were tree hair and i scared
i never ate bananas since
no its bannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananas
Sooooo when I was like 11 or 10 I was sleeping.
And I drempt that I woke up. So I, thinking I am actually awake, crawl to the end of my loft bed. I see my cat on the floor staring intently out my bedroom door, which was open. And then this lady, dressed in white with black tears walks by. I'm not moving and then she turns runs up to me flies up to my bed and pokes me. And I died. So when you die in dreams you instantly wake up. And occasionally when you wake up in a deep sleep you get sleep paralysis, where you physically can't move for a few minutes. So after this monster dream, I wake up and I can't move. I'd say that was pretty scaring.
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this was at the time were i was terrified of fnaf for some reason well i was asleep and i dreamed i was in a room really small tho. i open the door to a long white hallway then i see my friend running from a weird version of foxy i freaked out and did not know what to do so i jumped out and ran with her was a good thing he was not that fast :3 anyways so we looked down the hallway seeing another friend backed up in the corner pinned by bonnie. stupid move but i ran into bonnie knocking him down my other friend we will call her lenzy helped my friend v up and we turned seeing foxy a foot away from us long story short we meet my teacher and other friends and then we have to find a power sourse to end the dream so ya that was bad i almost got murdered by freddy but we found it but der was parcore so v tries but fails at the very top one jump away but then he falls and hits the ground btw he is 15 feet in the air or somethin so blood everywere but some how he is ok tho so second atemped a success i wake up lol