Message from my mom


30.01.2020 02:45
LinkWhoever says my daughter is toxic or saying she's a liar I don't appreciate it she was pushed and injured so stop calling my daughter toxic. I'm not going to put up with it because I'll report you. She's a very loving caring person right now she's really upset and leave her alone

30.01.2020 02:49
Link1st of all I never said she was a liar, I did however call her toxic, 2nd of all she yelled at me in the first place so I have a right to call her toxic, 3rd of all I know she is a loving person, I appreciate her for that, what i did may have offended her or you (if u really are her mother) but I still don't accept the fact she is going online to post about her life just to end up yelling at people. I'm very sorry for the trouble and i hope me and her can stay friends.

30.01.2020 02:54
LinkI really understand what you are coming from, I admit, I'm pretty toxic most of my life, but to carry on what people are saying to me, Not ONCE did I yell at your daughter, and I rather not be cussed at, she was also cussing at 9 which isnt the best life choice but idrc, and i really didn't mean to offend anyone.

30.01.2020 02:54
LinkShe didn't mean to yell at you she just very upset when some a****** has to push her for no reason so I'm sorry that she yelled at you and I am very protective of my daughter and I don't like how people call her names and stuff she hasn't had a good life because her father committed suicide when she was 3 weeks old

30.01.2020 02:55
LinkI AM NOT 9!

30.01.2020 02:56
Linkim sorry to hear that

30.01.2020 02:56
Linkwe had no idea

30.01.2020 02:57
LinkI told everyone that I was hurt. Nobody listens

30.01.2020 02:57
LinkI'm very sorry to here that, but I do want you to understand that, I too would yell at someone if i were in that position, but the way people treated me during this was unfair though i called her toxic once. I really hope you didn't take any offence from this.

30.01.2020 02:58
LinkKatlen, i feel so bad for you! I want to give you a hug. WAIT I CAN GIMME A SEC

30.01.2020 02:59
Linki did listen but other ppl feel the same way your not alone i know thats what it feels like but that's not true

30.01.2020 02:59
Link*gives virtural hug*

30.01.2020 03:00
LinkOops i mixed you up with trueundertalefan sorry- Lol

30.01.2020 03:00
LinkThanks for the hug

30.01.2020 03:01
Linkthats fine and i get annoyed sometimes srry also i cant help it

30.01.2020 03:02
LinkI have to go. See you later again sorry

30.01.2020 03:02
Linki was just trying to stand up for her

30.01.2020 03:02
LinkYou most likely won't

30.01.2020 03:03
Linkhugs are good for everyone

30.01.2020 03:03
Linkno its fine

You're amazing Katlen. Plz don't leave. You're one of a kind, and losing someone as amazing as you would break my heart. You're a sister from another mister girl. That's someone I can never replace. Don't go. Plz.