

06.03.2020 16:04
Linkjust shut up and leave already stupid nobody wants you here I KNOW BUT SHUT UP FOR THREE SECONDS

06.03.2020 16:05
Linkgoing 2 do work and then come back to this in my free period so p

06.03.2020 16:08
Linkso real fast i'd like to explain/say a few things:
-an apology
-clearing some things up/ obligatory gianna being cynical
-where you can find me now
-maybe why i'm still like jumping back here now and again to ghost around

06.03.2020 16:08
Linknot in that order

06.03.2020 16:11
Linkso first off i'm gonna do the last thing i listed because i'm just like that, the reason you're still seeing me pop up every now and again
the big reason:::!! i have friends to take care of
i still stalk people that i know are dangerous to them (such as kody) to make sure they're not throwing punches at them. it's not so important that they're throwing punches at me, because i mean i'm not really even here anymore, but that doesn't mean my friends aren't still important to me. does that mean im still seeing everything you're saying about me and essentially calling me insane behind my back, cough cough glitter? yeah.

06.03.2020 16:13
Linkbut, whatever, i'm mostly making this post to apologize.
look, i'm sorry for hurting people. kody, glassy, whatever. i'm sorry. most of the time i was angry or upset or just otherwise in a bad state of mind, and i was wrong to act out because of that. i would say that if there's something i could do to make it up i would, but i'm not sure there is.

06.03.2020 16:17
LinkBUT, does this give you the right to talk about me behind my back, harass me and say i should be ip banned for hurting your feelings? no.
if i have no right to talk about you, as your fans and friends have made obvious about a thousand times, you and your friends have no right to talk about me. that's that. and trust me, i know you are.
most of the bad things i did in the first place was because, believe it or not, kody made me believe it was okay. the "drawing character killing someone else?" kody did that first with calvin. the apparent "deadnaming" kody gave me calvin's deadname in the first place. harassing people? guess where that came from.
am i blaming kody 100% for what i did? definitely not, those were my actions that i took, and it's my fault that i did it. but kody planted that seed and nobody could handle what it grew into, apparently.

06.03.2020 16:19
Linkit's not even me he's done shit to, he owes many people an apology. for example, pathetic-owl. he insulted him here and there, AND he repeatedly misgendered and harassed his boyfriend, stickworld/smiccy. you said once you would apologize to cloud but hey, guess what? you never have. you never apologized to stickworld to my knowledge either.

06.03.2020 16:23
Linki've also been noticing you're driving all of your friends down the same path you're going, or at least as you would claim, the path you used to take. all of them are either becoming or already are toxic. remember when glitter was cool but then they started making hate posts on people over the tiniest things
sounds like both of us doesn't it
hrrrmrnmrnr and now she's saying shit like "no one is quite like her inside,, no one can match that girl's dark mind" as if this is an anime. it's just being an asshole, not insanity
a,..,.,and yet anytime i say anything about you i get shunned but when this happens it's ok .,.,..,.,

06.03.2020 16:24
Linkghurghurghurghur anyways
moral of the story ssshut the **** up you said that it's bad that i talk about you behind your back but then all you do is do it to me when you think i'm gone
but then it's okay when you do it apparently because you're famous somehow

06.03.2020 16:26
Linkeeg now im mad
look im sorry i was shitty but you're not helping anything by also being shitty. and every time you make a post about me behind my back you kinda make everything.,.,. worse
HEEG HEEG SOUNDS FAMILIAR WE SWITCHED PERSONALITIES...,.,,. except everyone still hates me

06.03.2020 16:28
Linkok back to serious thing
all you've done since i left is just prove i made the right choice by leaving and throw salt on the wound. as in nobody that wasn't brainwashed to like you already should have at least thought "oh,.,. wait no don't do that" when you celebrated about me leaving. because if this was anyone else in any other situation, someone would have said something, but this time around everyone is terrified of you and won't speak up out of fear of getting Canceled, Babe!!

06.03.2020 16:31
Linki assure you that many, many other people have approached me saying that they're scared to speak up about you because they're scared that they'll end up being bullied by you. and as i mentioned before i've even had some of your friends say so in the past.
if you want my personal opinion? take a break for a bit. if you can't tell being on this website and yelling at people like you're me on spaceguts doesn't help and you're just screwing yourself over for later. i'm not here anymore, what's the point in excuses for not taking a break
like just.,.,. get help or something. i can't. that's what got me here. i don't give two shits about what happens to you or your friends but i have friends that i do care about and i'd rather they not be your next victims. go tell someone about your past. doesn't matter how far back it is. just tell them about it. because trust me, i can tell that you still have roots from all the way back then.

06.03.2020 16:33
Linki think there's a pretty big problem if people are afraid to say anything about you. i think it's a big problem if people are afraid to say anything about me, and i don't understand why you don't see that as an issue. because let me let you in on a little secret::
that's a one way ticket into letting people hate you and hating your guts and getting you into my position

06.03.2020 16:35
Linkim rambling now
i mainly made this post just to get things off my chest. this stuff has been following me around forever, because even if i do try to say something it's just knocked back down by everyone around me and then i'm yelled at. there's a lot more i could say but i feel like it's just pure rage, i'm sure there were some mistakes in here that i made because i was angry but i don't know what you expect i've had some of these grudges for over a year and i haven't been able to say anything

06.03.2020 16:36
Linkglassy, staarchip, whatever whatever anyone i even have a slight chance of being friends with again, don't get the wrong idea but i don't want to be friends again and thank the stars if you feel the same way. because if you know me, you know ill freak out at the slightest thing over this

06.03.2020 16:51
Linki forgot where i was going with this but um
parmesan doritos. bye

hm, I understand completely where you're coming from. Kody hurt you. Lot's of people hurt you. It isn't right to talk about someone behind their back. I have a lot of sympathy for you. I dislike how everyone talks about how you were "the toxic one" and such. Everyone seemed to blame you for most of the drama that has happened. I think that's total horseshit but I know for a fact if I say my opinion SOMEONE will be offended and make a callout post on how I'm toxic. Anyways, I think you're in the right. You told off asshats and tried to do the right thing. I really hope things get better for you. I want to make sure others leave you alone eventually. You need a break just as everyone else. I'm sorry, you've been through a lot. Please feel better, recover from the assholery, and live a happy life^^

once again I am really sorry about all of this you have been put and are going through, nobody deserves it.
I'm glad you are taking care of yourself and you feel the need to have some closure it is really good-hearted. It's not easy to cut everything off to take care of yourself. I know it's hard but I hope you forget all of this and move with a healthy mindset.
don't feel too guilty about it ok, it will damage your mental health. ejhfjejelj
just try to forget all this and live a happy life with the people you care about ok. rjefgefj sorry I'm brain dead I just eegg
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