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Crossover AU (LMT)
05.12.2021 18:29
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Go here first --->
05.12.2021 18:30
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Let me copy and paste the kinda long awaited chapter 9 here...
05.12.2021 18:31
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It felt like hours since Gizem came back with the book, and it may have well been. Gizem, and Seven as well went through the tribes with her, giving her a pop quiz after each rundown of a tribe. They had just finished going through all the tribes for the tenth time, and Six had finally memorized all the attributes of the seven tribes. She’d most quickly learned about rainwings, although that made sense after her encounter with the leeches and her ‘shadow’. However she never mentioned either of the incidents to them, and planned to keep it that way. The rainwing couldn’t help but feel a giddy sense of pride at the fact she could spit venom, although she hadn’t yet figured out how to do it on command, she hoped she could soon. It would be so useful if he could just kill all the monsters in her way. Although she’d learned things, and had it all memorized, she couldn’t place Gizem, Medic or Seven with any of the tribes.
05.12.2021 18:32
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Fifth was obtuse enough, even without seeing black wings with silver scales that mimicked the stars, he was a nightwing. “What tribe are you, Seven and Medic from?” the question she had meant to ask in her head slipped out. Gizem smiled, slightly amused, “We’re hybrids, Medic and I are Nightwing and Sandwing hybrids, although, Medic is more dominantly nightwing than I am”. “And I’m an Icewing Seawing hybrid,” Seven chimed in. The rainwing nodded, cursing herself for speaking aloud. Even if it was nice to have answers, she still wasn’t used to company, and it seemed that she might talk to herself aloud more than she’d thought. “If you’re done with your lesson now,” the voice of Medic suddenly snapped Six out of her thoughts, as the nightwing hybrid melted out of the shadows with a large bag of supplies hanging from her side. “I’d like to start doing my job, and tend to her wing,” her voice sounded bored, as if she’d been waiting for a while. Gizem nodded her head, “Yes thank you for waiting Medic”.
05.12.2021 18:33
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Medic nodded, and Six groaned, putting two and two together in her head, knowing Medic had been waiting in the shadows unnoticed by Six for at least as long as Gizem had gotten back. “Fifth, your assistance is required,” the nightwing hybrid called, as Fifth stopped looking over one of the dragonets, a mudwing, with crude stitching going down their snout and came over. Medic carefully put the bag down, as she told Fifth what needed to be done. He was to hold Six’s wing, and by extension Six as well, still as Medic fastened the splint into place with bandages. Six mumbled in irritation, not liking the fact that she’d be held down. “Perhaps,” Seven suddenly said, making Six painfully aware of his existence again, “Maybe it’d be easier if Fifth held her down and someone else held her wing?” Medic, and Fifth both paused their preparation, thinking it over. “Yes, that might work better, thank you for volunteering Seven,” the nightwing hybrid spoke, taking a look in Seven’s direction.
05.12.2021 18:35
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Seven froze a bit, “Me? But, Six doesn't really like me that much”. Six snorted, maybe Seven wasn’t as brain dead as she thought he was. “Maybe Gizem should-” he tried. “No, don’t drag me into this Seven,” the sandwing hybrid quickly cut him off, as the gnomes behind her started to make chattering noises resembling laughter. “Now,” Medic started, “Are you going to help or not?” Seven let out a defeated sigh and nodded, “Yea, I guess. I could hold her wing still”. Six glared at each of the dragonets as they got ready to put her wing in a splint. She hated this, the fact she needed help, the stupidity that hurt her wing in the first place, but in a way Six couldn’t describe it hurt her. The very fact she knew she needed the help, the very fact she knew that if it wasn’t taken care of in the best way it could be done… The likelihood of flying again was slim. Even with the help, and she knew that, and she hated it.
05.12.2021 18:36
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Then she felt Fifth’s claws around her snout, making sure nothing bad could happen, like spitting deadly venom in their eyes or something. The rainwing growled, but otherwise didn’t move. She glared at the nightwing, who in turn looked incredibly bored or calm, maybe both. Soon after though, she felt more claws, much gentler than Fifth’s, holding onto her wing. Immediate surprise washed away her irritation, as she looked at Seven. His claws were cold, not ice cold, or cold like her claws often got as she traveled around the Maw. Perhaps a better word to describe it was they had a slight chill to them. ‘Part Icewing’ part of her mind echoed. Six laid down, glad to see Fifth saw what she was doing was laying. Maybe if she could relax, this would all go faster. She felt calmer than she had sense, she wasn’t sure. All she knew was her wing, that had been burning with pain, was partly silenced by the chill that Seven’s claws gave off.
05.12.2021 18:36
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In an instant the calmness she felt vanished, as Medic got to work. The rainwing’s tail lashed wildly, and her claws sank into the bedding she was on, as she tried not to attempt and throw everyone off her. Then finally after what seemed like an eternity to Six, Medic had finished putting her wing in the splint, and the claws wrapped around her snout, and gently holding her wing in place left. With great annoyance, her wing started to flare up with pain again, not as much as before, it was much more bearable now, but still horribly unpleasant. Slowly, and a bit sorely Six stood up, ready to leave and get back to escaping. That’s when Medic walked in front of her with her wing spread out, and the injured one still to her side. Six glared at her, wanting nothing more than to will her away without words. “I must recommend that you don’t leave, not right away at least,” Medic’s voice was calm. Six took a step forward, glaring at Medic, silently daring her to stop her.
05.12.2021 18:38
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The hybrid didn’t move, “All I ask is you sleep here, then you may leave”. “You’re not going to let me leave unless I rest here a few hours, are you?” “No, because I’m unsure when you’ll next be able to rest once you leave,” Medic lowered her wing, “It would be in your best interest not to tire yourself out and be stuck in an unsafe possession. Even if help will be following you”. Six turned away, falling back onto the pile of pillows and blankets in a huff. The rainwing watched, glaring as Medic walked off followed by Gizem and Fifth. And out of the corner of her eye, she watched as Seven sat next to her. “So-” Seven tried to say. “Shut it,” Six snapped harshly, closing her eyes, being less than thrilled about going to sleep again, “Before I rip your tongue out of your mouth”. She could feel the horrified look Seven gave her, as she was forcefully pulled into the realm of sleep.
05.12.2021 18:39
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Bam! Ok that's the end. OC featured in this: @Jades-Studio's oc Gizem @NightWolf20's oc Fifth then my oc Medic :3 This is likely the last time we will be seeing Gizem, Fifth, and Medic.
06.12.2021 01:26
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I want to enter a LN Oc into the story? Is it possible? I’m too lazy to make a drawing so I will probably make one of my lazy refs.
06.12.2021 02:10
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mmm sure
06.12.2021 15:35
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