Lab Roleplay?


14.08.2018 18:34
Linkput characters here ---v

14.08.2018 18:34

14.08.2018 18:58

14.08.2018 18:59
Linkshe'll be an experiment right? you can be an experiment or scientist. but you can also be multiple characters... yea :3

14.08.2018 19:00
LinkExpirement, but ill use Scott as a scientist, i have no ref for him since hes a hooman and i cant draw those

14.08.2018 19:05
Linkokay, and i'll also be this one her ID is a string of 9s and 3s that make up pepper, but i'll just call her 9 for this, pink's id is p1nk, and king's is k1ng, easy enough XD

14.08.2018 19:06
LinkImmmaaa b....

14.08.2018 19:07
LinkIlu cause shes adorable

14.08.2018 19:09
Linkyea, she is XD
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14.08.2018 19:11
Linkok, start is below

14.08.2018 19:18
LinkSorry, i had chores but im back now

14.08.2018 19:19
LinkI was about to say "damn youre slow"

K: (sits next to pink, allowed to share a cell with her) P: (looks around the corridors, waiting to see if the scientists will come) ((she'll be taken for an experiment and given the power to turn into slime, and king will have light/lightning powers after he gets taken, but they won't be taken at the same time))

K:..... have you heard anything recently? P: about? K: i don't know, the scientists talk alot, hear anything i miss? P: i thought they said they were bringing a new creature, but that's nothing too special K: (sigh) yeah, i wish we could have a neighbor or someone else to talk to... P: they might move them here? K: maybe..

(wakes up in someone's house) ...? (chirps) .... (a man walks into the room) ???: awake... you're not gonna stay that way too long.... i've got something special for you ((oh yeah, pepper is about 6 feet, she's an unknown type of bird) 9: (chirps again) ...? ???: that's the first thing we need to fix, you should be able to talk... i have big plans... very big plans for you.... (gives 9 more meds so she sleeps through the entire thing of turning her robotic)

9: (wakes up with scythes and horns and other robotic parts) ....!!! ???: let's see if it worked... try to move your arms... 9: (looks at scythes, then moves them around a little) ???: good, now, try to speak.... 9: who are you, why did you do this to me- ???: it works, no questions, you're going to be the best weapon alive... but i can't keep you here..... ((this brings us to 9 in a testing room, with her creator and several scientists around)) ???: blast the target! 9: (a canon comes from my back, shoots a laser from it, leaving a burn mark) scientists: hmm, i think you've convinced us... she can stay here... but, how obedient is she? ???: she's never disobeyed an order, and if she doesn't know it, she'll learn quickly..... scientists: then let's get her to her cell 9: (is put into the cell across from k1ng and p1nk, with little struggles) ...

*Nameless opened a rift behind her and stuck her arm through, her collar shocked her horribly but she ignored it, the rift opened up in Ilu's cell, Nameless plucked the darts off of Ilu and retracted her arm quickly and closed the rift, her hull was turning red from the electricity passing through it and heating it*
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P:... i think we do!!! K: OK... UHHHH IT'S HAPPENING-!!! P: (grabs his paw and zips off) NO TIME TO TALK!! 9: (looks around, some beeping noises are made) orders, follows orders, but they're not, follow no orders.... follow no orders.... (spreads wings and flies off with everyone, the hoard of escaping animals increases)

*Nameless stomped up to Scott* doth thou surrender?
*Scott shivered and shook, too terrified to speak*
Nameless: I guess not.
*Nameless reached into Scott's chest and ripped out his still beating heart and crushed it like an egg shell, Scott collapsed like a ton of bricks as Nameless tossed the remains of the heart against the wall and walked away, his blood still on her hand*

((savage)) 9: (a guard stands in the way, the others having gone by) G:... i won't have to shoot if you go back to your cell, follow orders.... 9: (makes a glitched beep) (a canon pops from my back, and shoots a laser at his head, burning it off and killing him, then continues running to the exit)

9: (looks for k1ng and p1nk) .... (spots k1ng, but doesn't see p1nk for a couple minutes, she's unharmed, but k1ng looks terrified that she's not there) K1NG! SHE'S STILL OKAY! DON'T STOP! K: WHERE IS SHE?! I NEED TO FIND HER! 9: TO YOUR LEFT!! I'LL MAKE SURE SHE'S SAFE!! K: (moves through the crowd, seeing p1nk for a moment, she's okay, they continue heading to the door)

(everyone tumbles out the door, getting a bit separated) 9: (spots king and grabs him from the crowd before he is trampled) !..... K: (immediately stands) P1NK! i lost her! i need to find her! P: (is still caught up in the crowd somewhere) K1NG?! (leaps to the side, much deeper in the woods) ...king?.... (stops next to a tree).... he'll find me.... 9: we should look for her, she must have still been in the crowd

9: (walks around the forest, scanning for heat signals) i see birds.... and rabbits.... squirrels... no P1nk.... P: (notices it getting darker) i can't stay in the open.... (sighs) i guess i'll be using our survival tactic by myself... (starts to dig a burrow) K: (is sniffing around, searching every tiny particle of the forest) 9: we'll have to go deeper...

9: this is quite a big forest, pink could be anywhere K:... i just hope we find her alright... (starts going deeper in the forest, hearing a bush rustle) ...! (leaps in, hoping it's pink, instead a random lab experiment leaps out yelling) ?: PLEASE! DON'T MAKE ME GO BACK!.... (it looks, sees who we are, then leaves anyway) K: dang... 9: (moves along with king) can she climb trees? K: well, she can fly.... 9: ah, then i better scan the trees better (looks up, scanning the trees) again... no pink... wait- no... squirrel

P: (is just a little deeper than a mile) ?! is that that.. dragon..? what if... it may be a trap... (doesn't shout back, but looks out, unable to see anything...) .... it's really late now... (the moon is almost in the middle of the sky)... guess i'm sleeping alone...... K: (also spots how late it is) 9: it would be wise to search for her in the day, we can see better K:... pink wouldn't wander all night.... maybe we could find somewhere to stay... i guess... 9: yes, my battery runs low, with all the noise...

(slowly peeks out, seeing Nameless) .... (feels unable to speak or move) ...... (quietly) would he be........ it can't be that easy.............. at least i can ask her to............. (sighs).......... K:.... (faces away from the entrance of the tent, not able to sleep) P:... (smells king's scent)......there's a chance.... (slowly goes close to a bush, a little intimidated by nameless)....

P: (quietly) what's wrong..? 9: (wakes up) should we keep searching- oh, he found you.... that's so adorable (a small click sound is made) "Picture Saved" P: d-did you take a picture?? 9: heh... did i?... yes, i did :3 P: delete it! K: (wakes up) wut? P: nothing- 9: this (prints the picture from my mouth bc why not) K:.... (lets go of pink, blushing) P:....... thanks, 9... 9: hehe, you're welcome :>
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