18.01.2019 01:53
Linkyou said you weren't going to tell me what kind of "abuse" you went through?
and you wanna know why i won't leave you alone? because you're a terrible ****ing person who's done terrible ****ing things. people don't just forgive murderers, rapists and kidnappers, and im not just going to forgive you.
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20.01.2019 12:14
LinkI don't rape people what the hell is wrong with you comparing me with people that do that.
you are so childish you can not forget this because you want more and more fighting. What the hell is wrong with you, you "terrible ****ing person" seriously
20.01.2019 12:16
LinkDo not compare me with that shit
do you have a mind? stop commenting on my animations and there is no word "abuse" in that comment of mine. Seriously saying I lied about abuse? your an idiot
20.01.2019 17:26
Linki didn't call you a rapist you actual ****ing nonce, i was comparing you to them. what are you, five? can you not read?