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sonic doing sonic things
my friend told me to do it
-=Death's Doorstep=-
Ready As I'll Ever Be (map)
11.03.2019 02:36
Link1. Believe me I know
I've sunk pretty low
2. But whatever I've done you deserve
3. I'm the bad guy, that's fine
It's no fault of mine
4. And some justice at last will be served
Please listen..
5. Now it's time to step up
Or it's time to back down
And there's only one answer for me
6. And I'll stand up and fight
cause I know that I'm right
7. And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready
Ready as I'll ever be
8. Now it's time to rise up
Or it's time to stand down
9. (Mine)And the answer is easy to see
And I swear by the sword
If you're in, get on board
10. Are you ready?
I'm ready
11. We're ready
We're ready
Ready as I'll ever be
12. Are you quite sure we can do this?
Together we will guarantee
13. I'll make them hear me
Now it's time to redeem
14. Or it's time to resolve
Prove they can trust me
15. And the outcome will hardly come free
I'll save my home and family
16. Now the line's in t
11.03.2019 02:37
Link16. Now the line's in the sand
And our moment's at hand
17. And I'm ready
I'm ready
I'm ready
18. Ready as I'll ever be
11.03.2019 02:40
1. If you want to give me the file, I can't use it for now.
2. Animation only
3. Please write the lyrics
4. If you want the part please write #<numberoftheparts> please.
Example: #9 please.
11.03.2019 02:41
23.03.2019 04:53
LinkThis is oc map. (Or theme map)