Concentration on Relaxation

the beautiful night sky



Boba Date <3


Hampire remix
Anyone?? lemme type as well


07.03.2021 22:29
LinkSO in this soulmate AU You have a few things to chose from.
1).Song AU (So both people have a song they sing daily and thats how you find your soul mate. If they have the same song or not)
2)Red strings. (We all know that one right??)
3)Word AU (So they both have a word that appears on their ribs that says a word that the other Soulmate has as well.)
4)Name AU. (Like the Word AU but with the initials on the ribs)
5.) Scar AU. (Both have a scar that can either perfectly line up with one another or its the exact same, spot and all.))
Also I will be using Dakota Like always. Unless you want me to use someone else from an anime or something-

Dakota went to walk away. But then turned around running and jumping off the building only to be stopped by the red string wrapped around her throat that pulled her back onto the roof. She sat there coughing and trying to catch her breath. She was very sickly, and was tired of having to go back to the hospital every month or so. "Damn string-" she huffs.

Dakota sat on the roof the Nurse running over to her because she had just unlocked the door to get to Dakota. "Miss Niji!! What were you thinking!! You want out of here then do what your told and just rest-" Dakota didn't reply, Everyone thought she was mute, but she just didn't like to talk to those people. She wanted to talk to someone who would care..someone who would understand.

Dakota sat in the water coughing and she stood up her mint green hair that had blue to it in her face, she had crawled out of the water and grabbed the oxygen tank trying to get the hose untangled until she felt the tug of the string again and she just started to cry. "im so weak-" she grabs the hose and just shakes it around making it worse.

Dakota looks at him feeling the string tighten to the point it hurt around her neck. You can move the string to where it was most convenient, but she was never able to move hers without being hurt greatly. "W-who are you-" she claws at the string getting it to loosen as she looks over at him noticing the string lead to him.

Dakota smacks his hand away. "Pft don't look at me like everyone else does, I was once a star you know. Up on stage doing everything that I ever wanted, Now look at me-" She tears up her voice getting rough as she hooks up the hoses to her nose so she can breath. "Im weak and I can barely go a month without having to sit in a hospital-" she hugs her knees.

Dakota nods. "Mine would probably want me gone anyway-" she sighs. "There has been a lot of people cutting their strings killing their 'special someone' just because of their looks or their health status-" she messed with the string slightly watching Evan and Hoshi feed each other."He seems happy though-"
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yee sure))
Dakota was walking in a store looking threw things Paparazzi gathering around her. She was starting to get light headed, she didn't know why, her lungs hurt and her vision was blurring, she left her cart trying to get out of the store but failing as she had passed out hitting the ground. Camera crews sat there filming everything hoping to get the scoop in the Famous Dakota Niji.