Explaining time
19.04.2022 19:40
LinkFor the past couple of months my activity on this website has been very little, barley none. I apologise for this.
I have had a lot going on in real life that has caused me to be active on other places (such as discord, tiktok, Snap, etc…). I have also had a lot in school and things going on with friends and family that had seemed more important to me.
Don’t get me wrong, this website has been one of the things that has helped me evolve my drawing skills and I’m really happy about it, and you all has been some of the nicest people I’ve gotten the chance to talk to:)
I feel like because the website is less available for new people, it’s gotten less interesting and it has been a great chance for me to focus more on my mental state than forcing myself to draw. I wouldn’t say I’m leaving, I’d say that I’m here when I am here. Maybe I never go online again, or I do in the next week. Who knows.
I love you all
Hope you have a good day/night