god speed little Merlin
Blugoo Doin Stuff
an extinction story
zoom in, zoom out
trying something a little new
15.04.2021 12:57
Linki dont know if i did the thingy right?! But umm...i tried it looks dum to me but i think its wrong way.BTW this kinda ins't my type anymore so im leaving and getting bored of this crap so now its a pice of s*** so im making things for ya'll before i leave cause when i do its going to be a year or 2.sorry it was fun but it ends today after i make thing for you guys ima out.
15.04.2021 13:02
Linki wont tell you when im back ethier.plus why the f*** do i want my eyes to get messed up because i dont.progress not profection and things not looking like how i want it to this is not my type so so long flipanim and fello friends!see you in a year its going to be long dont care at this moment but later.byee!!! have a great day!
26.04.2021 13:49
LinkOh im in flipaclip now its better than flipanim