14.11.2022 22:43
Linki dortn think i agree with the trolls carrying the site thing. theres literally like. onyl two main ones goin arnd n theyre jst minor inconviniences for pwople when they get on ? nothin more
14.11.2022 22:43
Linki dont understanf.
14.11.2022 22:44
Linkhonesltw kinda...getting boring.dunno how u people r still entertained by embjut NOT JUDGING!
14.11.2022 22:45
Linki think i hurt randos feelingjf HES NOT COMMENTING
idk how to start this lil comment but
omfg yes its just a few trolls you can just block em or take there thing as a joke and its..not really that bad its the usual lgbt bad your doing normal thing? bad oh me christian hohoho- like its mostly all the same thing. i really dunno why people even pay attention to em (im not judging yall btw if you do other people looking at my comments)