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The Cabin in the Woods
01.07.2021 04:07
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Chapter 1. Lara awoke with an aching pain on her arm. The cast wasn't so secure and the pills weren't working. "So much for a peaceful morning..." Lara stumbled out of bed and opened an oversized cage. Tam her white owl hopped out onto her shoulder and stretched. Small feathers flowed throughout her room, instantly being swept back into the air from the fan. "LARA! COME FEED OXY!" Her mother chirped from the kitchen. She was busy making breakfast for the Youth and Cookies group. "MY CLASS WILL BE COMING OVER IN A BIT AND ILL NEED YOU TO TAKE OXY AND TAM FOR THE DAY!" Lara strode down the stairs and kissed her mom on the cheek. "Yeah, I know. You said that 100 times yesterday. I think my brain has already engraved that reminder into my head." She chuckled.
01.07.2021 04:19
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"Did you take out all of that rubbish in your room? We want to have everything clean." Lara reached for a bag of dog food and poured some water into the bowl, right before the small brown chips splattered into the dish. "Yeah... Mum, do you think the pills are really working? It still hurts when I wake up in the morning." Lara's mom looked back from the stove and raised an eyebrow. "Mmm I think so. But is their still hurting we should go and get something else. I'll drop by tomorrow and see what the doctor can do, ok hun?" Lara smirked and looked down at oxy. The brown Labrador was scrunching down his food. He was perfectly balanced, even with only 3 legs to hold him up. "OH, and remind me to get Oxy a trainer. Those pills don't seem to be working as well." Lara's mother sighed. The nightmares don't seem to be going away. He may look like a lively dog, but on the inside, he's scarred. The accident must really be getting into him. "OK mum, I'm off." She put on Oxy's harness and Tam glided onto h
01.07.2021 04:27
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er arm. As they walked to the berrieal ground, Lara saw a frail looking girl in the distance. She decided to walk up to her. "Hello, are you new around here? I don't think I've seen you before." The girl looked up. She had pale skin and her hair was light brown. She was wearing a thin grey gown that had a unique pattern on the rim. And in her hand was a red ribbon. It was silk and looked on on the edges. "No, I'm actually just paying a visit to my family. They live around here and I wanted to drop these off at a nearby house... I had to stop by and say hello one more time." She stared at a stone grave. Carved onto It were "In loving memory of Mr and Mrs Lorkshine. May God be within you all." "Oh... I'm sorry for asking but, are these your parents?" "No no, these are my grandparents. You see, they raised me. They were the only ones who ever told me that they loved me.
01.07.2021 14:51
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Then, the ribbon slipped from her grasp and she stumbled to try and get it, but it was too far. The red cloth flew into the trees and disappeared into the foggy woods. "MY RIBBON! Oh no my ribbon, damn these woods!" The girl clenched her fists and tiny clear tears began to emerge from her eyes. The ribbon must have been important. "Its alright , I'll get it for you!" Lara sprinted into the woods, Tam and Oxy trailing behind her. The ribbon was moving fast, even when there wasn't even wind. Its red silky fabric was the only thing keeping it in her line of vision. Then, Lara passed out. It had seemed as if she was hit in her head? No, it couldn't be that. The could have heard someone behind her, and she was looking up so there couldn't have been any branches. Lara opens her eyes for one last time to see the groggy forest loom over her and sway, before she closed her lids back into an endless darkness of sleep.
01.07.2021 15:01
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Chapter 2. Lara awoke with a throwing pain, not only in her arm but her whole body. It was as if she had hit cactus at 500 miles per hour. She had to g see t back home. She had to get help. It was the only way for her to- wait, where is she? This isn't where she was. A soft velvet red bed with a warm fireplace. This isn't where is is supposed to be. Lara stumbled out of the bed and whispered for Oxy and Tam. They were no where to be found. This was serious. She was in an unfamiliar place, and her closest companions have vanished. She needed to find them. "Oxyyy... Taammm..." Lara whispered through the halls as she trudged through the hallway. Everything was in a fancy, organized way. Again, where was she? There aren't any houses like this. She continued wandering the halls until she heard a tapping sound. Water? No, it was heels. Someone's coming and she has nowhere to hide. Lara began to hyperventilate as the shoes came closer, and closer.
01.07.2021 15:11
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A shadow formed as she saw a tall looking figure. Then, she cam around the corner and grinned. The lady was pale, very pale, as if she was a life less vessel striding around in a long white dress. This seems all to familiar, but she can't seem to remember where she first saw this appearance. "W-who are you? What did you do with my animals and where am I?!" Lara began to shake. With every moment that went by, the lady just grinned and then she began to bellow a laugh. Was she crazy?! "OH, I'm sorry its just that you seem so confused and I couldn't help it. Your animals are fine and so are you, Miss...?" Lara hesitated. Why should she tell her about her name? It was completely idiotic if she did, but what if she didn't? What would be the gut reaching consequences? Lara wasn't in it to find out and opened her mouth to speak. "Lara..." She s a squeaked. Trembling, she could face the woman tj say another word. Just then, the lady pulled out a pocket watch and turned to the hallway she emerged from.
01.07.2021 15:20
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"Right this way Miss.Lara. We want you to have breakfast before you go out and get some things done." Lara strolled behind and pondered at what she meant by 'get some things done.' Was she going to be forced to work? If so, she had to get out of there. Imprisonment isn't what she hoped for when she entered the a woods, and now if it is, she has to get out. They entered a kitchen, and it wasn't as fancy as before. The wooden table creaked when you touch it, and the chairs have paint that peel and flutter off onto the floor. Everything was old, even the cloth that Oxy and Tam were sleeping on. Wait, Oxy and Tam. "Oxy!" Lara trudged over to her animals as they open their eyes to the new surrounding. Tam immersed herself into Lara's lap. Oxy whimpered as he raised his paw. It had a bandage on it. "What happened to Oxy?" Lara turned to the woman who was setting the table with bread and oatmeal.
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