

30.01.2020 03:59
LinkKima. Kima is mostly based off of me, how i feel. I made Kima in art group today. Art group is a group of teens that arn't doing well in life such as suicidal, parental abuse, ect. Kima is going to be my main character. Back to art group. Today was my first day of art group, i'm in 7th grade and this group is for high schoolers. Yes, I was put into this group because im mature and do have my own problems. I haven't gone to counceling in 3 weeks and i'm feeling like actual shit. Art group did help. Yes, i told the people that didnt know that im in 7th grade. They actually thought i was a sophmore. I barley talked but enjoyed it. I go to art group every wednesday from now on. Doing okay, not like anyone asked. But, i'm going to vollyball try-outs tomorrow. pretty excited. Welcome Kima! (me)

30.01.2020 04:16
LinkWait really.

30.01.2020 04:20