Something rad to think about

Ma'am I'm Sorry!

Is anyone else like this...?

my upside down world

Ariana Grande


Want free art?


10.12.2023 18:08

10.12.2023 18:09
LinkAll you have to do is make this guy https://toyhou.se/14263933.- a backstory and ill draw ya character!

10.12.2023 18:14
LinkHe also needs a name

10.12.2023 18:14

Only that Comes to mind Is ZiggyBolt (Ziggy German origin that means Victorious Protector)
And for the Backstory can I get I description of his personality 😠I don’t want to assume anything

Backstory idea:
At a young age he would always be the most mature out of his litter mates. He would always try to stop them from doing bad ideas like trying to prank the elders. One day his litter mates had the idea to sneak out of the territory. Him being who he is followed to make sure they didn’t get into any trouble. As they walked he was on high alert as he kept hearing things moving. He was able to convince almost everyone to go back except one who kept going. He chased after them. As they started arguing they heard a twig snap as a badger came out from a bush. In the moment he came up with an idea of how to get away safely, but in the moment his litter mate ran almost instantly becoming the main target for the badger. He attacked the badger letting his litter mate get away before he got hit on the eye. He held out on the fight long enough for more of his clan mates to find him and get away. (I have no idea but here’s an idea)