Poor and Rich
Mitsubishi Evo Lancer X
Plz don't flop lol
thanks for the likes~
Chapter 1: Loneliness
07.10.2021 01:38
Linkin the forest there was rumors of a large light colored animal in the forest. being the only bright colored animal in the forest it was surprisingly gentle despite the dangers that were in there. leaving scratch marks on the trees maybe as territorial purposes.
07.10.2021 01:41
Linklonely low toned howls that near by people walking at the park would hear. the most sightings where it sticking its head out of the forest to so called "greet" walking people. as normal they would scream and run away. trying to leave gifts such as beautiful butterflies and flowers but as expected the people who noticed them would leave them alone.
07.10.2021 01:43
Linkknowing that that "monster" would likely kill and eat them. sometimes as night it would wonder out of the forest chasing fireflies until the day of winter.
07.10.2021 01:45
Linkthe cold winter breeze on their fur made them a little sadder because of the amount of kids outside playing and skating on the river. kids having fun they wanted to join in on the fun but was to scared to not wanting to scare the kids off.
07.10.2021 02:02
Linkthey watched while sitting down on the snow thinking about if no one was scared of them then they might not be so lonely. they turned around to go nap for a little bit.
07.10.2021 16:02
LinkAfter a hour passed they felt something small hit their head. They woke you hearing a couple of kids arguing on who gets the ball. They had realized that the ball belonged to boys. Slowly getting up they gently picked up the ball not trying to pop it slowly walked over to the boys.
07.10.2021 16:05
LinkNot exposing itself to the light of the cloudless sky they rolled to ball to the boys making it seem as if the ball rolled by itself out of the forest. One of the boys had picked up the ball and rushed back to the group. "Thank you." The boy with the ball yelled. The creature howled back making the boys slightly panic.
07.10.2021 19:58
Linkthe creature was quite curios and walk out of the forest. the boys stayed quiet in case if it would attack them. the creature slowly walked to them and picking one of the boys up with its paws and setting them down.