- create flipbook animations online!
14.02.2022 15:56
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SO Impids are kleptomaniac creatures!! Basically, each impid has a favorite thing. Some like the color gold, some like green, some like fuzzy stuff, others just like anything shiny. Whatever it is, they will hoard this item. Usually in a 'nest' they deem safe. When they form a bond with someone, they will bring them a trinket from their collection. Its a symbol of their friendship (or more when it comes to other impids/partners) There are different kinds of impids but i will most often be showing the forest-type impid that life the closest to humans, some even in the cities. These creatures are usually solitary, though some will form small bands since they mate for life and take two years raising offspring. these creatures aren't THAT big, ranging from chihuahua to like a large pig. The larger ones are very rare, though. Usually the larger they are, the older but Impids ae often seen as pests and dont tend to manage a long life other than in captivity
14.02.2022 16:01
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they are omnivores and scavengers diet-wise and hybrids from impids to other creatures are near to impossible so please dont start making hybrids. I will allow au ones that shift human jsut for the sake of those that cant draw animals, but understand thsoe shifter impids would be a subspecies at most. I can't blame you for wanting a shifter too cause i made shifters my self for the sake of being able to use them in rps lmaoo basically, what im saying is that those who get impid otas are allowed to give them human forms! also a big thing i need you guys to know IMPIDS ARE A MOSTLY CLOSED SPECIES please, do not make them for yourself unless i give you SPECIFIC permission. The only way to get these will be through trade or me making customs otherwise.
14.02.2022 16:02
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I will attach this anim to my otas for people to see the info.On those ota anims, type 'Iridescence' in your comments so i know you actually did read this, otherwise i wont be considering your offers because im picky and i dont want my comfort species to be given away and never used or just to be tucked into a trade folder to be traded off for soemthing else
14.02.2022 16:17
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also feel free to ask questions here so others can see if their own question ahs been answered already too
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