31.10.2023 02:59
Link-nicknames/intros i call you and what they mean-
fckfac/dipshi/ashole/ (i litery hate you so much for whatever reson)
lil shi/fuker (youre annoying but i dont hate you)
stranger and/"hey dude" (i actully dont know you)
"hey"/ hi (ive seen you around but not much of a fan)
"ooh hi!" "heyy!" (ive seen you around and mabey a bit of a fan of you or ur art)
mr/ms sir/maem (respect, this means i see you as a aquantince or friend
lad/bro/lil/big guy/haiii/{made up nickname} (bsf)
"yes maem"/"yes sir"/Lt,lu,leunatent/colonel (you are my bsf anddd i respect you very much :3)