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I hate my school 😁
09.11.2022 03:55
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What the hell is up with you people Theyre all crazy and most of them swear 24/7 and the boys all say the n word (they're all white) They teach the weirdest shit The religion teacher told our parents (I was in the room with all of the parents) this is the time where we're probably going to be falling out of christianity and that's why she's here to help us with our faith (kms) My principal said she's going to pray for me bc I said some shit about being atheistic The guidance counselor is a slimy, lying, backstabbing ***** I got unwillingly placed in an advanced math class that EVERYONE ELSE WHO WAS ELIGIBLE got a choice about whether or not they wanted to be placed in it I have to pray some shit 80 year prayer called the angelus and THEN the blessing I have to pray before every class I have to sit in a ****ing church every Friday morning for AN HOUR trying to get ****ing 4 year olds to sit still and pay attention THEY DONT WANT TO I DONT WANT TO EITHER LIKE COME ON THEYRE LITERALLY 4 ughhh
09.11.2022 21:15
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Kinda stupid
10.11.2022 01:12
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opposite for me. I've got a place full of mainly trans atheists who vape all day and try getting you to believe the most retarded shit. And they probably aren't stoned when they say the gender shit, just wacky. If you even mention religion you get kicked out of class, yelled at for hours, contacted parents, and miss all your days to catch up on work. (happened to me way too many times). I get in classes with usually a mixture of dumber and smarter people and it's fine. I study religion and have bible studies about 7-8 hours a day not including just averagely studying or debating the bible.
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