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National Deaf Awareness Week
27.09.2019 16:46
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As someone who was raised by an ASL teacher (a man adopted into the deaf world since his late teens/early twenties), I've always loved the deaf community and have been celebrating this week in ASL class. So, to help raise awareness- tips if you meet a deaf person 🤟 ~ Understand that deaf often means no hearing at all, and those who can hear a little, may not be able to use that hearing for anything useful, like communicating ~just because some talk doesn't mean they automatically know what you're saying ~deafness is not a disability, it is a trait that has built passionate communities worldwide. ~not every deaf person can read lips ~yelling or trying to speak "clearly" just makes your lips harder to read ~ASL is a fully fledged language ~ "The only thing a Deaf person can't do that a Hearing person can, is hear" -I King Jordan kind of all around the board, but I hope these help. I'm not deaf myself, so if I communicated the wrong tones, please let me know. Happy national deaf awareness week e
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