He needs a name!

Weird looking grandpa


feels good to be a gangster

sunset lover

gold cat



09.03.2020 21:25
LinkFrick. So uuhhh I got onto my tab and was about to put effort into something. But I drew one line and gave up. Then I died and here we are now.
I've lost all my motivation :3

Me: He's probably just being a spy he's alright.
Asher: *Looks backwards* Huh?
Me: I'm just saying you're definitely not spying on Ashley and Gerry.
Asher: Bruh
Lust: *Appears*
Me: Aye aye don't be interrupting. Ehhh this is Lust. She's a dragon. Kind of a perv.
Lust: *Noise*
Me: Yes. Don't be menaced.
Ice: Sh*t it's that dragon again.
Lust: *Looks at Ice*
Ice: PLEASE NO *Hides behind a wall*
Me: Don't ask questions. You very much don't want to know.
Lust: *Licks*
Me: FU-

Me: Yepppp.....
Lust: *Walks up to you*
Me: No. Lust. No.
Lust: *Rawr*
Lust: *Concerned look*
Me: My throat hurts now.
Ashley: Did you dislocate your lungs?
Me: Uuuhhhhh wut..?
Ashley: *Sees Lust and slowly walks away.*
Gerry: I'm gonna kill the f*cking dragon if it doesn't f*ck off.
Ashley: Gerry please don't. It's still a living creature that has feelings too.
Gerry: Well so are babies, what's your point?
Ashley: True but the dragon will probably eat you.
Gerry: I'll eat the dragon.
Ashley: You ARE the dragon.
Gerry: You're a dragon
Ashley: YOU'RE a dragon
Me: *Yeets Ashley and Gerry into space* uhhhh yep. 😅