Ask Me Anything!
01.07.2020 20:54
LinkDo u prefer toes when they are raw or cooked?
01.07.2020 20:57
LinkRaw. I'd rather not cook my- or anyone else's toes, thank you XD
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MY favorite OC is Geo. He's the robot with a floating head. He's just so caring and cautious and it's always fun to draw him! (Bobbi's your OC, Blonde, but he is my favorite of yours XD)
I don't think I've received any OC's- someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I have had people draw things for me. The most recent was an owl-griffen by the amazing artist, XxCJ-2020xX (attatched).
Everyone pictured above are made by me, and I love them all. My first was the one on the right (Aquadillo), and my most adorable is on my head (Domino)!
I have about 11-12 years of experience with drawing, and my favorite tips go as follows:
1) Never stop drawing. One of my favorite art teachers used to say something along the lines of, "We all have 10,000 bad drawings in us, and there's only one way to get 'em out."
2) Practice breaking things down into shapes. This makes it easier for you to replicate something.
3) Don't be afraid to use and study references. I don't care if you're copying it line-to-line or just using it as a baseline.. It'll help you to learn proportions as well as making your drawings look realistic.
BONUS: When coloring in Flipanim, create a layor under your lineart and color there. That way you won't lose the quality of your lineart as you color, and you have the ability to change the lineart color even after you've filled everything in.
What inspired your art style? :3
How did you find flipanim? :3
What sign are you? :3
When's your birthday? (Sorry if this is too personal) ;3
That's a hard question. I guess it's a mix of a bunch of artists on flipanim as well as Disney artists. For detailed humans, I try and aim for something toward Shadoweyes's style. Animals? Disney. There are a ton of other artists that I can't name right now, though, and I'm still trying to set a style too haha.
A couple of my friends showed me a while ago, and I tried my hand at it. I'm not sure if it's still up, but my first animations were of my warrior cat OC's. One was Aqua, and it depicted a blue cat head smiling. Another was an awful running animation of Shyspirit- a brown striped cat. I've improved a lot since then, lol.
Sadly, I'd like to keep that private, but if you really want to know, I've celebrated my birthday privately here before. See if you can spot the animation. ;)
Sooooo uh what inspired you to do art? I just want to know cause we all start from somewhere and I want to know where you started from.
I've always had a vibrant imagination, and ever since I was little, I always wanted a way to express it. I write songs and stories, I play music, and I would draw whenever I had the chance. Anything paper that I touch has my graffiti all over it, and I guess that evolved into genuinely drawing. I just love the idea that a blank page is a universe that I get to fill, and I get to make the rules of it.