Bc bored
13.04.2022 04:10
13.04.2022 04:11
LinkSo this is Kinda a little rant so yeah lol
13.04.2022 04:17
LinkFirst of people liking vents. Is that meant to make them feel better? Like damn it’s like you want them to hurt themselves or die.
Second. Those damn people who spam the enter (or if you on a phone return) key. Like mobile users (such as me) spend a lot of time scrolling through that shit.
Lastly Trolls and people whom steal art. I’m sure everyone hates this and when they tell people to die also huh. These little ****ers are probably like ****ing 6-8 years old like the **** your saying the n word for??? And the people who steal art. This pisses me off. Like people spend time to give others gifts and then people find the ufile or whatever me just steals the shit.
I understand these things are dumb or something like that I just wanted to rant about it. I also hate the damn online dating shit but that’s a whole essay I would rant about-