- create flipbook animations online!
18.12.2023 19:09
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Ill post the explanation under this comment give me a minute
18.12.2023 19:11
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Saturday morning I had woken up at 9AM, hearing my dad being annoyed at the girls. And knowing that, I stayed in my room until he left the house. That was around 10AM. I got some breakfast and then did the dishes, and went back to my room to reward myself with some TV time. Since I ate at ten, I didn't become hungry until 3PM, and I went out to get lunch. That's when my dad walked in and asked me why I was cooking food. I responded that I was hungry. "Well maybe if you didn't spend all day on your TV, then you would remember to get lunch at twelve! " was everything he said. He then told me that I don't need my screens for a while, and that's when I asked him why Amora gets CONSTANT screen time whenever she wants. He told me that she doesn't, and that she didn't have her phone for 2 days. I should've told him that I didn't have my first phone until I was 8. He then started getting in my face when he realized that he was getting taken down by my observations, and he told me that I was grounded off of my bike, a
18.12.2023 19:12
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and asked him why, and he didn't have a reason, and THEN he decided to say that he was going to slash my tires. I instantly grabbed a hold of my bike and told him that it wasn't his bike that he paid for and that if he does, I'll go to the police. He then told me that he was going to call the police on me, FOR NO REASON!!! I asked him why, and he didn't give me a logical answer. He just responded with him saying to get inside. He then called my mom. He told her to come and get me, so I yelled to make sure she could hear me. I yelled that I did nothing wrong. She told me calmly to go inside, but I told her that I won't until I see Cole leave. (He previously said that he was going to leave.) He then proceeded to tell my sister Madison to grab a knife. That's when I grabbed a hold of my bike and held on for dear life. My sister knows how much my bikes mean to me. She didn't grab a knife. He then told one of the littlest ones ( 3, 6, and 8) to get Ashley. He wanted her to grab a knife. While he waited for Ashley
18.12.2023 19:13
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to come here, he told me that he's going to come to the school on Monday, break my lock, and take my bike to the dump. When Ashley didn't come, he went inside to do something. I assume he was grabbing a knife. That's when my fight or flight instinct kicked in, and I threw myself and my bike down the stairs, and got on. I didn't have shoes on, and my bike seat wasn't on. He told me to get back up the stairs or else he was calling the police. I yelled to him that that's where I'm going. I did go to the police station, where a police officer who works at the jail called someone else to talk to me. Of course I got the ONE cop who doesn't like me just because I have reported the same group of kids multiple times. When she walked in, she said; " Of course, How'd I know it would be you?" She said in a snarky tone. I told her that some people have rude parents and that life is rough. I then proceeded to tell my story. She told me that there was nothing she could do about it. She COULD have done something about it. I
18.12.2023 19:13
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I don't know what she could've done, but something could've been done. She told me that she doesn't want me there, indicating that she's lazy, and she practically pushed me out. I went to the town tub, and locked my bike inside the laundromat to ensure that Cole didn't get to it. I then went to my house, and he told me that I needed to pack up and leave. I was already planning on doing so. I was intending to go to my grandmas, because she hates cole. I packed up my backpack of cycling supplies, and put it in the bike trailer. I walked back to the laundromat and hooked the trailer to my bike. I then left Corunna to go to Owosso.
18.12.2023 19:13
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Don't call CPS or my dad. It'll get me into trouble with him. He'll just lie and lie. He's lied to CPS before, and they believed him, getting me into trouble.
18.12.2023 19:32
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whats this tho
18.12.2023 19:33
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i aint reading allat either its too much for my brain sorry
19.12.2023 13:14
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dam thats a sad story bro
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