i love psychology
24.03.2023 02:58
Linkcan you believe that the mind and the brain are actually two different things? like. how the brain can technically function without the mind but is not a hindrance when the mind is present for the brain to do its normal functions without the mind's focus and attention. interpretation of stimuli, whether it be internal (noticing the sound or feeling of your heartbeat inside of your chest OR your stomach growling) or external (a light temporarily blinding your eyes or hearing a noise in the next room) triggers things in the brain without you having any control over it based off of your brain chemistry and how YOUR MIND PROCESSES THE INFORMATION TOO!??!
24.03.2023 03:11
Linki personally believe that external stimuli have a higher possibility of causing your brain to do wacky stuff that was not intended because, for example, your brain has to tell your lungs to breathe in order for the heart to receive oxygen and pump blood to you. your brain has to tell you to the most simplest of functions; the brain even has a connection with your gut, of all things.
24.03.2023 03:18
Link(SORRY!!! had to let my dogs out :] )
expanding on this, to put it simply, the mind can send signals to the stomach (butterflies, stomachache when worried or anxious) and the stomach can send signals to the mind (the typical "im hungry/full" or that "gut" feeling). your brain also needs food to function, it's kind of like a cycle. your brain tells your body what to do for necessary survival (purely instinctive) while the body carries out these functions almost automatically and, with time, if these necessary processes are not being carried out by your body for whatever reason whether it be because of pre-existing or developed inability for the body to take care of ITSELF, the body, brain, AND mind will slowly lose function!
24.03.2023 03:31
Linkit's honestly a surprising and also confusing fact to me that the brain and mind fit into the same categories as one another without necessarily needing the intention for such a thing to even be possible. like. the fact that you are reading this in your head probably faster than you would read it OUT LOUD shows how fascinating the brain is. also with things like quick math, careers, algorithms, dictionaries for ****'s sake !??!?? now, these aspects arent pre-learned as some in infancy are, but that just amazes me more of how ****ing AWESOME AND COMPLEX WE ARE AS HUMANS!? as well as interpersonal functions regarding the MIND. it's subjective with the brain, on the other hand, being purely OBJECTIVE.