My First Contest. (please see)


05.01.2018 18:26
LinkAs a artist I lack in the Skill section, but I personally feel as though I have an OK amount of creativity :T
: The Inspiration for this may or may not have come from a dead animal on the side of the road :
CONTEST: Draw a custom species i made, called the PineLion.
It looks similar to a lion, but also has many differences. Their fur can be tan, but is more commonly brown or dark brown, and rarely, black or white. Their mane reassembles a Pinecone, with fur clumped together to form hard spikes around their neck. Like a porcupine, if they feel threatened Their mane Can expand, and sometimes shoot out little spikes hiding underneath. Males are the only ones with the Manes, but females have a pinecones at the tip of their tail they can hid against the ground to make a rattlesnake like noise and scare away other predators. It is suggested you draw both the male and Female.

05.01.2018 18:26
(Im not sure what people usually put as their prizes, so say if this is too much or too little.)
There is two category's, from which you can only win one. (Skill and Creativity)
They have the same prize each:
- I follow you if i haven't already.
- 2 Fanarts ( A regular and a Genderbent )
- 50 likes on your animations (If you have less than 50 animations, or I've already liked too many idk what to tell you. :P)
- 5 Requested Drawings of your OC (Please give picture for me to base it off of)

05.01.2018 18:28

05.01.2018 18:30
Link-The Skill Portion is based off of how good the animal and the details are drawn.
- The Creativity portion is based off of how much you add the the animal that i haven't already, like a new defense mechanism, or differences between male and female.
This will end whenever i feel like it.

05.01.2018 18:36
Linkand also
PLEASE put the link to the animation here, I might not see it if you don't.

05.01.2018 18:38
Linkhmm I might do this. You tell me if you want me to @ShinyTheRandom

05.01.2018 18:42
Linkplease do cause i feel like a lot of people won't enter anyways xD

05.01.2018 20:32
LinkWow you do have a lot of creativity xD
That’s really good

05.01.2018 20:40
LinkOk i'll try

09.01.2018 12:18
Comment removed

Im so sorry but my attach anim isnt workin for some reason so if you want to see my entry just go to my profile to see it. really sorry .///.