Gonna get a new acc


05.01.2019 06:10
Linkgive me this account then if ur not gonna use it

05.01.2019 06:13
LinkH u ck
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05.05.2019 14:22
Linkhe or she stole art???

You... You stole art?
I thought you were better than that....
But I guess I was wrong... Im unfollowing you! Don't talk to me again!
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October is inventory time.
So right now, Statler Toyota is making
the best deals of the year...
on all 1985-model Toyotas.
You won't find a better car...
at a better price with better service
anywhere in Hill Valley.
The Senate is expected
to vote on this today.
In other news, officials at
the Pacific Nuclear research facility...
have denied the rumor
that a case of missing plutonium...
was in fact stolen
from their vault two weeks ago.
A Libyan terrorist group had claimed
responsibility for the alleged theft.
However, officials now attribute the
discrepancy to a simple clerical error.
The FBI, which is investigating
the matter, had no comment.
Doc ?
Hello ! Anybody home ?
Einstein, come here, boy.
What's going on ? God.
Jesus !
That is disgusting.
Rock 'n' roll.
- Yo.
- Marty, is that you ?
Doc. Where are you ?
Thank God I've found you. Meet me
at Twin Pines Mall tonight at 1:15.
I made a major breakthrough.
I'll need your assistance.
Doc, what's going on ?
- Where you bee
Comment removed

Actually, WOF123 didn't steal a lot of files, if you look in her album it's mostly her own art. So, I dont find this very bad, I mean it is, but not that bad.

k people being shit. just because she or he stole may mean she or he likes that drawing and wants to draw like that but can't. she or he wants to learn to fast so you guys can screw yourself.
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:< you was nice btw I am not going to unfollow you idc what others say you still good there is good in EVERYONE even if they did take others stuff it doesn't mean they got to be rude..i know you are good and I want to thank you for following me you are the best! ^^ I am glad I kept following your accout far-well! I hope to see your new accout