part 25 of cola map


11.06.2018 00:54
LinkSorry, but I decided to discontinue the map.
I know, I know, you might be thinking: “FurryTrash wha the **** your a horrible person omg”
Which is true, but like I realized I want t9 finish my school year first before I start anything big?
Also I made the map at 1 am so my mind was crazy and just came up with an idea that I didn’t even think of the consequences it would face
Plus the due date was real bad because barely anyone joined so
I might make another one soon but just know that I think your part was amazing and that I actually have it saved so if I end up doing this same map again I’ll use it
Hopefully you can forgive me?
But this isn’t truly amazing I’m sorry i couldn’t use this

12.06.2018 03:22
Linklol its fine, i understand
dont rush yohself mother