{ wwyd? ^v^ }


21.08.2021 02:47
Link{ Okie! so story goes like this! Your oc is trying to save a family your family is friends with because they gor attacked by demons. the only person alive is your crush (aka nezu but she don't know that ) Your oc's rival that likes nezu want's to keep her with him and torturer her and basically want her to be his wife. and ofc your oc doesn't like that. your oc want's to help nezu turn back human but she's out of control right now. what should u do? :D }

21.08.2021 02:48
Link{ I hope the story makes since ^v^" }

21.08.2021 02:50
Link{ it's a bit fast TvT }
Comment removed

(lets pretend the wings arent there and hes wearing one of the cloak things,,,, whatever they are called- and uhhh, hes also a demon, if that makes sense)
liam was holding back the urge to attack. "i trusted you, idiot."
allen was chuclking, and said, "your honestly funny, liam. you think that im gonna let you have her?"