Accepting being single


27.05.2021 23:58
LinkSo, since pride month is in spitting distance I thought I'd discuss the people who don't have a date on this site. Or, rather, people who have a hard time coming to terms with it.
So, I have tons of reasons I'm single. I could make a children's book out of it tbh. But, just know something: don't feel bad. Ever. No matter how many times you are put on blind dates, no matter how jealous or bitter you get when you see love in public, no matter how many times you want it but can't reach it, understand that there is more to life than just dating.
The one serious relationship I had ended with sourness. And if you're one of the people that pressures people into not being single or genuinely believing that its a bad thing; please educate yourself.
You're special. And you don't need a partner to tell you so. Theres nothing you're missing out on.
"The things that don't make you perfect ARE the things that make you perfect."

28.05.2021 00:00
LinkIm mad that we live in a world where being single is viewed as a bad thing. Love it, and accept it.