Chapter 8 - Warrior's Thunder


26.01.2021 23:18
LinkChapter 8
Jasperwhisker, in very kind words, was still ticked off at both her sister and Brisknose.
“Brisknose.” She growled in a low tone.
He folded his ears back and looked over his shoulder nervously. “Yes?”
She stood up, “Come with me mouse brain, Fadedclan claimed they smelled something weird.” She began to trod into another cave.
Brisknose followed. “What are they smelling? Surly, it wouldn’t be Rogues or Kittypets or Loners.”
“Well, DEPUTY, it may be. They report the smell is rotten.” She slashed her tail in the air.
He walked over and sniffed the fresh-kill pile for Fadedclan and the one for Crystalclan. “These smell fine. Does someone have an infection? Emeraldspeck is most likely in her den.”
“It could be from the deep depths of the cave. My mom said that Starclan said that there was lava down there.” She looked at the stone ground, “Whatever that is.”
“Lava? But that’s just in Kit’s and Elder’s stories. There’s no way that there is actual lava in a cave.”

26.01.2021 23:18
“I meaaannn ~ I could drag you all the way down there and make you see if that’s true.”
He folded his ears back. “I’d rather you not.”
“Good…”She sniffed, “I don’t smell anything odd… It must be their apprentice playing tricks on us.”
“I don’t smell anything strange.”
“Let’s just beat it and go like… Hunt. It’s warm outside.”
“Shall we take anycat else, such as a Fadedclan cat perhaps?”
“Sure. We can take Nighttail, and Willowdusk. Maybe even Specklepaw.” She nodded.
“It would be good for them to go out and stretch their legs.” He padded over to where Nighttail and Willowdusk were sitting.
“Hey, wanna go hunting outside the cave?” She asked.
They looked up. “Sure” The calico she-cat said, getting up.
Nighttail stretched, “Can I search for herbs?”
Brisknose nodded. “Sure”.

26.01.2021 23:18
LinkNighttail smiled and ran out the caves.
They all walked outside. The gray tom had to close his eyes from the sunlight.
Jasperwhisker basked in the warm sunlight, wishing to flop down on her side. The caves were cold, and dry. Outside there was a warm breeze with a sun. Unfortunately, winter is approaching which would take the ripe weather away.
“Should we go to the Flat Lands?” Her tail pointed to the flat area of the mountains.
“That wouldn’t be a bad idea. It would be easier to spot prey, but we must be more careful of our scent and wind direction.” Brisknose said to all of the she-cats.
“Brisknose, you seem VERY timid about rouges, other clans, loners, kittypets…” Jasperwhisker commented.”
He growled, flicked his ear at her, and lashed his tail.

26.01.2021 23:19
LinkOoo yes! I’ve been waiting for a fight to break out! Willowdusk thought.
Jasperwhiskered tensed up, “You won’t dare to attack…” She mewed in a hiss.
“Then keep your jaws shut.” He snapped, padding out towards the Flat Lands.
“Tsk.” She huffed through gritted teeth. The patrol hunted for a while, but then, there was a call in the wind.
“HELLOOOOOOOOO?????” Cried a voice in the entrance of the cave.
Both Brisknose and Willowdusk turned around. “The heck?” The she-cat said.
Jasperwhisker cocked her head and squinted her eyes. She sniffed, “I think that’s…” She squinted more, “Leafclan? Their fat.”
Willowdusk chuckled.
Brisknose sniffed the air. “It does smell like honey, now.”
Jasperwhisker skidded through the hills, and stood in front of Leafclan.
Stormpelt spoke. “Hello Jasperwhisker.”
“Hi…” She flickered her ears, “You made me lose the best trail ever. Why are you here?”
“Some of our warriors have gone missing. Have you seen them at all?”

26.01.2021 23:19
Link“Which warriors?”
“Sleekshine, Mushroomeye, and Bumblefern.” Stormpelt decided not to mention Sunset.
“I’m sorry… we haven’t seen them. Do you care to explain where they last were?”
“They were last seen going on a patrol.”
“But… To where?” Nighttil chimed in, “Were they going to the stream? The old beach clan territory?”
“They were going North.”
“Well… I’ll tell Quartzfur about this.” She nodded
“Thank you. Is it ok if we stay here tonight? It’s almost Sundown.” Stormpelt asked.
“Fine. Just for the night. Does Hivestar know?”
He nodded. “I wouldn’t just take a patrol if my leader didn’t know.” He said matter-of-factly.
“For someone who’s too afraid to run back home at night, you sure are cocky…” She muttered, and began to walk inside.
He lashed his tail. “We’ve been walking all day across Meadowclan territory to tell your leader that we’re missing cats and you insult us!” He spat at her sad hide.
“Then show us some respect in the cave of Starclan!” She hissed and lashed out her tail too.

26.01.2021 23:20
LinkThey growled and padded after her. Nighttail turned to Willowdusk and then to Stormpelt.
“Stop it before someone gets thrown off of the cliff.” She hissed, but secretly; She did wish for a fight.
Brisknose padded into Quartzfur’s den.
Quartzfur was sharing a rat with Emeraldspeck.
“Brisknose.” She affirmed.
“There are some cats that want to talk to you.”
“Who? Fadedclan?” She got up and trotted out of her den, leaving her meal behind to be gobbled up.
“No, it’s a patrol of Leafclan cats. They say that some of their cats are missing.”
“Oh.” She walked up to the leafclan cats, “Hello.”
“Hello Quartzfur.” Stormpelt announced. “We would like to know if you have seen any of our cats.”
“No. I haven’t even smelled them around. “She replied, shaking her head.
“Well, is it ok if we stay for the night? We’ve walked all day.”
“Sure. You’ll have to stay in a small cave and fish for yourself.” Quartzfur nodded.

26.01.2021 23:20
Link“Thank you.” Stormpelt and his patrol walked over to the cave they were to stay in. Brisknose went out with his patrol to go and try to hunt again.
Quartzfur looked at Stormpelt, “I suggest you leave at sunhigh.”
“I’m sure that we will.”
“Good..” She flicked her tail and walked away.
“Well, we shouldn’t be interrupted now.” Willowdusk said as they walked outside. “Though, it is getting dark out.”
Nighttail nodded, “Yup…”
They padded into the Darkness.
Quartzfur spoke in a soft, hushed voice. The clans were sleeping soundly. “Brisknose?”
The tom looked up from where he was laying. “Yes?”
“Do you think the apprentices have trained hard enough?” She yawned, “Should they do their final assessment soon?
“Well, which ones are you thinking about?”

26.01.2021 23:21
Link“All of them.” She flopped down to her side, “Specifically Mosspaw. Emarldspeck is starting to age more.”
He sneezed as the dust flew up. “She’s not too old. But he would be a good medicine cat. Sadly, we only have one Queen and no kits to become apprentices.”
“Well… I’ll talk to Starclan about that, and I’m sure Jasperwhisker is looking for a mate… You are too, right?” She chuckled.
“Well, I mean, I’m not jumping into anything. Jasperwhisker is a pretty cat, but she’d kill me.”
“I know~~ I was simply joking,” She purred, “and Besides. She has her eyes on another tom.” She smirked.
“Really? Who? I only think we need more Queens so we can repopulate the Clan. That storm took a lot from us.”
“Shadowleg, obviously.”
“Really? I mean he’s handsome and all, but knowing Jasperwhisker, why in the world would she go with a former Fadedclan cat?” He sat up.

26.01.2021 23:21
Link“I have no clue. Rubystar said it was because he thought poorly of Fadedclan… It’s a fact he hated it there… But in Crystalclan, he’s a strong loyal tom. Maybe that’s why?”
He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter anyway. Have you ever thought of getting a mate?”
“Absolutely.” She replied.
“Wouldn’t it be more work, since you're the leader?”
“Yes. So I’m focusing on kits when the Clans are more… calm.” Her whiskered twitched.
“Ah, well, I’m tired, so I’m going to sleep.” He layed back down.
Quartzfur followed suit, and curled up in a ball, “May starclan give you sweet dreams.”
He nodded, and then fell quietly into sleep.