stomping on anglepup10 and kil


03.12.2020 19:52
Linkthis is wat you get haha

04.12.2020 17:59
Linklol this is cool

05.12.2020 18:16
LinkNo it is not

I- mam-
Kid, please. Get off the internet, you are either not old enough or mature enough to be on a site like this. I don't think it's that hard to grasp that people don't like beggars?? Please, ****ing grow up <3
(P.s Entertainment does not just mean tv, the fact that you don't know this further emphasizes my point on you being young and naive.)
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First of all, I don't have to do anything for you this is America, the land of the free. I have the right to free speech. Second, don't give people death threats like this, because it's overwhelmingly immature. Third, I can't wait until the day your brain develops even slightly so you look back on this and realize how much of a clown you look like right now.
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Kid, child, ****ing infant. You, nor your ****ing Karen of a mother knows any of us in real life, knows where we live or ANYTHING about us. She can't do a single thing. And I can't wait for zhe karen to come on.
Also, ilovecats532's mother, if you see this; stop ****ing spoiling your entitled little brat and get her off the internet. You're a ****ing Karen and nobody likes you.
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Like omg you are 6 welp FA allow kids but you are too crazy and mean
my brother is 7 and when he started FA he did not ask for people to draw him because he is CALM and you just want everyone to see you follow you like your drawings that look like nothing like art because you are a six year OLD that acts like a 4 YEAR old AND maybe YOUR MOM does NOT let you say your AGE OR HOUSE ADRESS STUFF TO KEEP YOU SAFE BUT YOU SAY YOUR AGE AND PROBS WILL SAY WHERE YOU LIVE! JUST STOP LITTLE KID
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Do you think we care? For all we know, they could be a 40 year old man or a 17 year old boy trolling on here. But they're being an annoying shit.
And, personally, I don't care if it's 'right' or not. You need to stfu and leave. Or stay, i can't tell you what to do and you can't tell me what to do. Got it?
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Yea a troll THAT IS 6 YEARS OLD ok imma repeat this:
Like omg you are 6 welp FA allow kids but you are too crazy and mean
my brother is 7 and when he started FA he did not ask for people to draw him because he is CALM and you just want everyone to see you follow you like your drawings that look like nothing like art because you are a six year OLD that acts like a 4 YEAR old AND maybe YOUR MOM does NOT let you say your AGE OR HOUSE ADRESS STUFF TO KEEP YOU SAFE BUT YOU SAY YOUR AGE AND PROBS WILL SAY WHERE YOU LIVE! JUST STOP LITTLE KID
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@ilovecat532 Okay, if you are their 'mom' then stop spoiling them and get them OFF the internet, got it? Don't be a Karen, whore. Nobody has to listen to you. You can't do ANYTHING to us. You're a shit parent. No wonder this kid's dad drinks, he must hate how spoiled and entitled she is and how much you spoil her.
@ilovecats532 Child, shut the **** up. We don't have to listen to your 'mom'.
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Okay! Congrats! You jumped on me!
On the internet. In a shitty animation. Where I cannot get hurt. What did you achieve here?
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***** your six and even if your a girl dosent mean people always have to be nice to you im a girl and people bully me but this is a toxic child

and if your mom comes on again plz let me talk to her im not an adult im 13 and as a mom you should know right from wrong this website has child porn,online raping,sex,boobs and etc...she is way to young to be let on this site there are adults here who make bad stuff even preys on kids plz just plz get her off this site for her safety .shes little she cant be on here and its also sad how a 13 year old is saying this you should be more smart and help your kid she should not be on sociel media theres lots of adult stuff and she can buy stuff on here...plz for her safty.

okay, as the adult supervision on this website,
@ilovecats532, Listen. I am NOT going to cuss you out, or be rude to you, and I am not trying to be a "bully". BUT you have to understand something. This art is not nice. I understand if they are genuinely being rude, or a bully, but replying with this is only making them want to do this more. ALSO, you have to put yourself in their shoes. Think about what they said from their point of view. If you can't do that, then CALMLY go up to them (without this mean picture) and ask them why they did that. If they keep being mean to you, then WALK AWAY. Don't reply to them. And tell your parents.
(As for the rest of you: I know I'm getting involved. Please don't say, "why are you getting involved". But I felt the need to say this. If she really is six then she needs firm, but kind guidance. Cussing at her won't fix anything. PLEASE don't take this comment the wrong way.)

Finally, ilovecats532's mother--
Ma'am, I understand that you want for your child to be entertained. However, Flipanim, and the internet in general, is not a safe place for a young child. Her young mind is being shaped by the experiences on this site, and most of them are not pleasant. In the general best interest of her mind, I would respectfully suggest that you keep her away until she is mature enough to handle being on the internet on her own. Maybe (and this is not me telling you what to do) give her a book? Or a drawing pad and colored pencils, since this is a drawing website and her being here means she likes to draw? This is just my opinion. I, in NO WAY, am trying to tell you how to do your job, or boss you around. I am only sixteen, and I understand that you are more mature than I am. But the wellbeing of your daughter should be the top priority, and this site does not offer that.
Thank you,

i just read that whole comment section- wish i couldve been part of the action dude, i woulda screamed hell at that kid XD