chronic illness sucks balls


25.01.2023 06:16
Linkwas being treated for copd and that worked but my inhaler ran out and i can't get a new one and i'm back to choking when i lay flat <3

25.01.2023 06:18
Linkcopd refers to chronic bronchitis and emphysema
i had cb but got better
usually you only get diagnosed with emphysema in stage 3 or 4 so the avg estimated lifespan is 5 years after diagnosis. there is no cure. it's terminal and i'm scared because i wouldn't even be able to graduate college and chances are i don't have it but the treatment for copd worked and if i don't have cb again that leaves one other option and it's so scary

25.01.2023 06:22
Linkwas also on albuterol til i ran out. i ws on albuterol when i had pneumonia adn it was kinda like the first 2 weeks of this. worse tho i think. i don't remember much of it
i might have walking pneumonia.
i have orthopnea but no one ever knows what that is so i just say i can't breathe when i lay down or look up. i choke. i simply start to wheeze and then i stop breathing. see why i can't fall asleep?

25.01.2023 06:23
Linkorthopnea itself is a symptom of multiple other conditions, such as obesity (im underweight) or chronic heart failure. lord above thy who art in heaven please let me not have chronic heart failure

25.01.2023 06:25
Linkidk if i mentioned it but i have fluid in my lungs <3 that's why i can't breathe
if left untreated it can rot, i think. i don'twant it torot.
i am scared. sleep deprivation will do that to you, ithimnk. notthat i have much choice when my only other option is to try tosleep sitting up

25.01.2023 06:28
Linkit is not possible to reverse the lung damage from copd.
it is nearly impossible to recover from most lung damage, although the lungs can mostly heal themselves.
it's funny how i spent so long trying to die and now, the only thought on my mind is 'i don't want to die.'