Plz don't flop lol
A normal day at the park.
Xmas gift for IArtistAnimatesI
Got a problem?
Wake Up!
18.08.2020 17:19
LinkIf I don’t regularly hang out with you and it’s not negative, where have you been the past month?
18.08.2020 17:24
LinkAnd so you guys know,
This is why your opinion on me should be negative.
*cough* I did, in fact, delete half the anims on the account @FoxtrapTheQuinterFan and change the password for a while because I was angry that she was toxic and so I wanted to get a little revenge. I had and still have no problem with this of course because I’m somewhat of a soulless animal. They’re now on the account @FoxesAreNotReal (I don’t know if I spelled that right)
If you were wondering, I did apologize like 3 times, but that means nothing no anyone.
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