Leon evolves into a big boy
I Wouldn't Mind MAP // Part 21
my fa ersonalities
02.04.2024 13:43
Linksometimes i get a little SHOCK because i act so different on this site...yawl will NEVER see me acting this way anywhere else. like look at my twitter and you'll know..
02.04.2024 13:44
Linklike.. off site im like. YAYY IM MK :3C... so everyones like.. oh mk your the cutest little bundle of joy in the WORLD! .. they ain't see nothin' yet. heh.
02.04.2024 13:45
Linki use periods on this site like my life DEPPENNDSS on it. i mean.. sometimes ill OCCASSIONALLY be silly. i mean i am silly... but whenever i log onto fa i LOCK THE FREAK IN. im LOCKED IN.
02.04.2024 13:46
Linki wish i could take my Fa Self with me offsite.. you guys respect me. treat me as the MAN I AM! but the second i log off it's back to being silly ol mk... silly ol mk who doesn't know how to spell.. silly ol' mk whose vocabulary doesn't expand past words longer than 7 letters..
02.04.2024 13:50
Linkit feels a little demeaning to myself for acting like im stupid most of the time.. butt eghhhgg... i like people comparing me to the sun or something.. ðŸ˜. but if i start acting different i feel like i'll be killing off the mk that everyone loves.. isn't that deep. look how deeply poetic I Am Everyone! thats right! im capable of forming complete sentences!
02.04.2024 13:51
Linkain't THAT just relatable ?!
you want people to take you seriously with out taking away from the version of yourself that makes others and yourself happy,
that's kinda hard, I felt that, I guess the main way to do that is so set some firm boundaries about certain things, you can still be cool and silly, but setting those boundaries, will create a sense of authority about yourself, or you can start posting your essays about things that bother or ick you to other places, being silly but showing that you care very deeply about certain things