Erik is swimming :D
Doodle Zone Act 1
Flaxen (Yellow)
If u give Marble Cheesecake
how firepaw fights (warriors)
Another Contest!!
27.06.2021 17:21
LinkLet me type
27.06.2021 17:28
LinkI am doing this contest for 2 reasons.
1. I hit 65 followers!! (Thank you guys)
2. PotterPerson said I should make this contest because I draw moon a lot, so thanks to her
Anyway, you probably guessed what the contest will be, you have draw moon!! I attached the ref
Rules are simple:
It doesn’t have to be an animation though I would prefer it to be
It can be in any style you draw
Has to be the same colours or close to the same colours
No 18+ because I won’t be 18 till 7 years from now (you can do the math)
And I wouldn’t like you to draw moon dying or bleeding so no gore please
Due date is July 5th, I will extend if not a lot of people join before that date
Good luck and have fun!!
28.06.2021 02:49
LinkOooh, almost forgot!!
Prizes will be announced when I say who the winners are. (I promise I will make them good)
29.06.2021 18:12
LinkAnd everyone who enters gets an additional 15 likes
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