! Scorp ReVamp !
17.09.2020 17:11
17.09.2020 17:12
Linkgive me like te n minutes , i gotta find the damn post that has everything XDD
17.09.2020 17:20
Linkthe scorp is a breed of smilodon, it's a desert version of the sabertooth cat.
it is also a distant cousin to @urdrid's newest species
but!! the scorp is a CLOSED SPECIES !!
CLOSED means you cannot MAKE ONE at all.
the only way you can get one is if i design it.
17.09.2020 17:38
Linkalbinos are rare,
scorps are mostly darker colors, they can be any color ,
but once again, you cannot design one yourself. so that doesnt apply to anyone but myself.
17.09.2020 17:46
scorps are born into their ranks,
there are normal, warriors, and alphas.
they are notably different, the only change i made was the snout horns on the normal scorps,
it is an add on like the shoulder horns on the warriors,
alphas have neck manes, both male and females have them, their shoulder spikes are also much larger
scorp's rank have nothing to do with their parents rank,
two normal scorps can mate and have an alpha scorp,
but its not uncommon,
it can happen though.
Comment removed
17.09.2020 17:51
Linkshit i forgot to add
scorps arent born with their horns, like goats or cows, they grow them as they age.
17.09.2020 17:51
Linkrules for scorp owners:
- if you do not want your scorp, tell me and give it to me
- do not give away or trade them
- if you see someone who has a scorp when they shouldnt have one. notify me.
feel free to ask questions about the scorps,
these are the only scorps that should be seen:(more will be added as time goes on)
https://flipanim.com/anim=f6HIAlxO(belongs to california)
https://flipanim.com/anim=RlbeKsBz(belongs to urdrid)
https://flipanim.com/anim=RU1gskbc(belongs to midnight)
https://flipanim.com/anim=z5xx7f5s(belongs to russia)
https://flipanim.com/anim=GKST0OB0(1 belongs to mimichu)
17.09.2020 17:52
Linkheehee this is my smecksy bb
18.09.2020 14:31