New fanfic just dropped


03.11.2022 05:47
LinkThe furniture
A dark gumball fanfic from Darwin’s perspective about the alternate universe of the episode the revolt, And how Gumball and Darwin change the past to make sure it never happens maybe running into their counterparts in the countdown.

Day one: this is Darwin, now you might be wondering how I got into this mess. Being a side table for a Washing machine forever wasn’t exactly my choice. You see, it all started because of me and my big heart. “No, it was because you thought that the issue of objects being thrown out was somehow more important than LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE!”
Said Gumball, saltily. He was holding up the washers canvas, though it was tiring him out a bit, his arms in a weird position. “Well how’d I know it’d end up like this!” I replied, defensively “they were being abused, I wanted to help them. How was I supposed to know they would turn on us!” “Hey! You’re not supposed to talk” the washing machine said I whimpered a bit afterwards. “Well you-Gumball tried say, but they gave him a menacing stare.

Many hours passed, and I felt myself becoming more and more weary. I could see on Gumball’s face he felt it too. His arms ever so slightly shaking. This caused the washing machine to mess up their painting They were irritated at this, so they jumped on his foot. Gumball screamed and threw the painting in the washing machine’s face, smudging the paint all over them. They started walking out of the room, but as they got to the exit, they turned around and said “you better think twice about messing things up, or you’ll be replaced” then walked out of the room. We both flopped onto the floor in exhaustion. But the relief of rest was overshadowed by the existential threat looming over my head. “Replaced? Do they mean what I think they mean?” I asked nervously “yeah” gumball said “replaced with another dude. isn’t that a good thing in this case?” “Well what do you think is gonna happen to us when that happens” I asked “oh my gosh!” He said, realizing the situation “yup, we’re screwed” I said.

Day two: “So what are we gonna do about it” gumball whispered to me the next day. We were back to being furniture for the furniture. “About what” I said in a hushed tone “you know, eingbay eplacedray” Gumball whispered. “I was sorta hoping you had something” I whispered back “what so I’m the idea guy?” He whispered, annoyed “yeah, pretty much” I said quietly “ I was planning on sitting here trying accept that I will live the rest of my life as a side table. There were so many things I wanted to do- “wait a minute, I have an idea!” He said Loudly. The washing machine turned toward him menenacingly. “I have an idea” he whispered this time. “I’ll tell you tonight, when we don’t have to Whisper” gumball whispered

“Time travel!” He said “time travel?” I said questioning him “yes, time travel. If we go back in time, we can prevent any of this from ever happening!” Gumball said excitedly. “And how are we gonna do that?” I asked skeptically. “ we’ve done it before” he said “ remember when we stopped time with that countdown clock?” “Yeah, but what makes you so sure it’s gonna wo-“ and Gumball was already trying to make it appear by straining his eyes. “It will, trust me” he said, straining. But after a solid minute, no magical countdown appeared. “I think we’re need professional help” I said, but I didn’t know where we would get it

Day three: we were back to our mundane existence as furniture. We didn’t dare make a sound, we feared the washing machine would take that as a defect. It was a harrowing 12 hours of silence. I could feel my own heart beating in my chest, it was deafening in the absence of sound. At long last, the painter stopped and went to bed. But the thing about silence, is that it gives me a lot of time to think, which helped me to come up with the perfect plan.

We snuck out of the house through a window, luckily it was on the first floor, so we didn’t have to jump, though Gumball still managed to land directly on his face. We had already checked the house and all the people furniture wasn’t her. The next house came up empty, and the next one and the next block. As the sun began to rise we went back to the house empty handed. We were exhausted, and no closer to fixing the mess I caused. But I hung onto my idea, we just needed more time.

Day four: we were extremely tired when we went back to our furniture lives. I nearly fell asleep a couple times. Gumball had a pretty hard time. He could barely lift the canvas off the ground, his arms wobbly. The washing machine was very annoyed at this. This wobbling was messing with his focus, and made it hard to paint. I was also having trouble, and ended up knocking over the cup of paintbrushes I was holding up. Making them even more annoyed. At the end of the tiring day, the washing machine turned to us and said “that was the last straw, one more screw up like that, and you’re through” and he walked out of the room.

We both tried to get up to start the search again, but we barely made it to the window before collapsing on the floor, asleep. I wish I could have done something that night but I was too exhausted from lack of sleep.
I had a dream that night, no, it was a nightmare. I was walking into our old house, but everything was different. I looked at the door and it was replaced with mrs. Mom. She was frozen in a scream and I slammed it. I walked into the kitchen and instead of the fridge was mr. dad shaped into a fridge box, it opened to reveal his skeleton. I ran into the living room, breathing heavily. I sat on the couch and picked up the remote, but instead of a remote , was anias. I screamed and dropped her. I turned to the tv, and it was gumball. He jumped at me saying “you did this to us!” I screamed, and then I woke up.

Day 5: I woke up to the washing machine yelling at me as my eyes adjusted to the room. “Get up you useless piece of junk!” He screamed “you’ve got work to do!” As I looked around the room I noticed something was off, I got into position, but Gumball was still collapsed on the floor, his mouth opened and eyes closed. I could still hear him breathing, but it was raspy and short, almost like he was struggling to take in the air. No matter how loud they yelled, he wouldn’t wake up. I hoped in my mind that he was just having a really good dream and didn’t want to get up. But I knew better. Tears fell silently down my face. I wanted so badly to go to him but I couldn’t. I knew what was happening, though I couldn’t do anything about it. Gumball was dying.

Finally I ran over to him, I didn’t care what they would do to me afterwards, I just needed him. I tried doing chest compressions but it was hard to do without hands. “Get up buddy!” I screamed tears rolling down like a waterfall. I kept going and going, until he finally got up. He coughed And said “we’re all doomed aren’t we” i hugged him and his hugged him, his huge head bumping into mine. “We need to get out of here don’t we” I said “yup” he replied. And we did.

We ran out of the room, the washing machine thumping after us. I was clutching gumball’s shoulders with my arms because he was having trouble walking “thanks for saving my life back there, bud” he said weakly “not the time!” I yelled the washing machine chased after us in room after room we saw familiar faces turned into furniture, but my only goal was to get me and gumball out of there. I saw the door, I tried to open it, but I still don’t have any hands, the washing machine was closing in on us, getting closer and closer, but I was able to use gumball’s hand to open the door, and finally make it to the outside.

I kept running, not knowing where to go, my legs were mostly moving by themselves. Gumball was still under my arm, though now he was gripping onto it. It hurt like heck but I was determined to get us out of there. “ where are we going?” Gumball said, then he coughed. “I don’t know, I just wanted to run away!” I said then thought for a second “wait! I have an idea!” Then I raced off into a different direction.

A few minutes passed and I was so exhausted. I was still carrying Gumball who was not looking good. His eyes were droopy and his mouth was slightly foaming. “ you okay man?” He coughs “no” he said weakly. “ hang on there buddy” I said a minute or so passes and the house started to come into view. It stood out as a bright blue and white. I put gumball down and he stumbled a little as he opened his eyes slowly. “This is the place” I said. Our old home.

“We should probably keep a low profile” I said gumball nodded weakly. We looked into the house through the window. There was no couch anymore, it was replaced with the mailman . There was no table, it was replaced with Tobias, and there was no tv, it was Anias. A fan hopped into the room and gestured for the tv to turn on and she appeared to be acting out some sort of show. I saw the looks of anguish on all of their faces and a sinking feeling started to settle in. this wasn’t our world anymore, it was theirs.

We went under the house to wait it out until nightfall, and in case the washer came looking for us. Gumball’s condition had gotten worse, he was coughing and sniffing almost constantly. I put my arm around him “ we’re gonna get out of this, I promise” I said “really?” Gumball said weakly “I don’t know, I just wanted to make you feel better” I said “ but I believe we can do it” I patted him on his head and started to drift off to sleep. I tried to stay up but that running fatigue had caught up with me and I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up at nightfall to a thumping sound. There was a sound of sloshing coming towards us, it was the washing machine, they’d found us. I looked to gumball, who was still out beside me. I shook him awake and said “gumball! Get up! They’re here!” “What?” He said sleepily. “The washing machine, they found us!” “What the What!! How?!” “ I dunno man, but we gotta lose em!” We ran out from under the house as the washing machine pounded behind us. We went into the shed to find some tools to fight them but they were all gone when we got there, out living their best lives I suppose. I shut the door behind us and heard them thump furiously at the door, this went on for a long while until they gave up and left, but not before giving us the death glare through The window.

As they left we walked out of the shed, gumball’s arm draped over my head, I really hope we won’t be dead but we need to get to the back steps. Why did I rhyme that I thought, but I pressed on. As we walked into the house we saw the kitchen bare of any furniture at all. It was liminal and unfamiliar, yet still looked like home.

Gumball and I walked through the room. We tried not to make a sound, in case there were any objects around. Gosh darn it self narration stop rhyming! Anyway, when we got to the living room we saw her passed out on the floor. Gumball rushed to her and shook her trying to wake her up. “Anias get up!” He yelled. “Gumball, quiet down” I said to him, but it seemed to have worked. Her eyes fluttered open “what the what are you guys doing here?” She said

“Anias!” Me and gumball said as we rushed in to hug her. “We missed you so much” I said. “ well you should probably quiet down, you don’t want THEM to hear you” “ who’s them?” gumball asked then sniffled “ the fan” she said quietly. All of a sudden I heard a slow whirring from around the corner, as I looked to the edge of the room it got louder and louder and faster and faster. As it hopped into the light I knew, we needed to run.

The fan hopped after us as we ran out of the house. I held Anias and gumball’s hands as we went along “what are you doing?!” Anias yelled “ trying to save you what does it look like I’m doing” I said “no! I mean gumball’s passed out and you’re dragging him on the ground!” As always, she was right. I started carrying gumball in both arms as I ran, Anias was right beside me running, after what seemed like hours we finally lost sight of the fan. “ where are we going?” Anias asked. “ to the one place not affected by the furniture uprising”I said just as we arrived at the edge “the forest of doom” “are you crazy?!!” Anias yelled “we’ll die in there! It isn’t called the forest of happily ever afters is it?” “ do we have a choice?” I said bluntly. She thought for a second then shook her head and we walked in.

Day 6: I awoke to the smell of something cooking. I opened my eyes and Anias was making some sort of meat on a stick over a small fire. Gumball stirred too, smelling the delicious aroma. My stomach grumbled, I just realized, I hadn’t eaten in 6 days! “ what are
you ma-“ but before I could finish my sentence Gumball lunged towards her grabbing the stick between his teeth and swallowed the meat whole. “Hey! I worked hard to get that squirrel!” She said “squirrel?!” Gumball said making a disgusted face “ that can’t be good for my-” coughs a lot in succession “you got any more of that?” I asked

“What’s up with Gumball?” Anias asked me as we walked through the forest. We had left Gumball back at camp because of his condition, and to keep watch of the fire. “ I dunno, he just started acting weird yesterday. First he was breathing all weird in his sleep, then he started coughing and sneezing all the time-“ Anias gasped “oh no” she said “oh no? What do you mean oh no?!” I responded.“he has a hyper cold” she said “a hyper cold? What’s that?” I asked “ it’s similar to the common cold, but way way worse. The virus targets your immune system and destroys it from the inside out. It starts with coughing and sneezing, then fevers, then you lose all sense of taste and smell. once it reaches your brain, you’re dead” “oh my gosh!” I said “We have to help hi-“”we’re here” she said

We stood in front of a trap that she made. It was a hole she had put a false top over, it seemed to have worked because at the bottom of the hole was a deer with a weird face, like that of a chicken’s. It was collapsed on its side. “Poor creature” I said “if only we didn’t have to-“ it suddenly stood up and started jumping at us and snarling menacingly “aahhh!!!! Kill it kill iiit!!” I screamed anias grabbed a large rock and threw it at the abomination and it went down.

As we lugged it back to camp we heard an ear piercing scream. I knew it well “gumball! I’ll save you! And I ran towards the yell. “Darwin! I thought you were going to help me with- and he’s gone” as I ran through the forest following the sound my mind began to wander about what she said to me. What would happen to him, is there a cure, and most importantly, how could I help.

As I ran into camp i yelled “ Gumball What’s wrong!” He was standing against the tree trunk breathing heavily. The fire was fine, everything was in order nothing was out of place. “Dude!” I said, frustrated “I thought you were dying or something!” He looked at me with fear in his eyes “ there’s a spider” he said “right there” he pointed in front of where his body was. I groaned “ okay I’ll handle iiii...” I trailed off as I saw what he was looking at.

It was as big as the fire was, which was now a strong blaze. “What the what is that?!!” I screamed. It turned to face me and hissed. I ran at it kicking and screaming and when I got to it It jumped on my face and I stumbled backwards into the fire. I screamed again running around trying to put out the fire and get the massive spider off my face. then I remembered to stop drop and roll, but when I did the dry grass caught on fire. I managed to get the spider off me in the blaze, but now I had a different problem.

gumball, who was close to the blaze, was frantically blowing at it to make it go out, but it was only making it bigger. Then he got woozy from breathing in the fumes and collapsed on the ground. I grabbed him and carried him out of the main blaze. At that moment anias got back to the camp lugging the beast behind her. Her jaw dropped and she threw the leg she’d been dragging to the side. “We need to get out of here” she said

As we started running away from the blaze gumball started to open his eyes. His face was covered in soot. He coughed a little then looked at me “ what would I do without you Darwin” he said weakly “ I don’t know what I’d do without you either” I said back. Gumball coughed for a few seconds then turned to me and said “you know, if the world wasn’t taken over by furniture, I’d be in the hospital right now” “ Gumball! You’re a genius!!” Anias said. Gumball gave her a confused look “what?” He said “ the hospital is the perfect place to go!”

She explained “it has everything we need, and it’ll be empty because furniture don’t get sick! And not to mention the protection from the elements, no place is more perfect!” “But you’re forgetting one thing” I said “what?” She asked “we have to get out of here first” I replied. “If we keep running in the same direction we’ll eventually get out of here” she said. “Then we better keep going” I said. And we ran off into the night.

Day 7: “ we’ve been running for hours, can’t we stop?” Gumball said tiredly “WE’VE been running?!! I’VE been carrying you this whole time! And I think my feet are gonna fall off” my feet did fall off. I turn back to get them saying “ get back here!” And put them back on and kept running. “Look!” Anias said “up ahead! A clearing!” And sure enough, there was a clearing up ahead. As we got to it, we saw we were on a familiar hill overlooking the town.

I flopped down on on the grass, exhausted and placed gumball beside me and he looked dizzy. Anias sat down next to gumball. We saw the sun was beginning to peak over the horizon and saw the town down below. It looked so normal, so unchanged, like nothing in the world was wrong. But everything was wrong. We are fugatives for flipping furniture finding fellow feeling from infirmaries, gumball’s gasping is gonna get grosser, and anias is as adequate as always I guess. But things are definitely not normal.

As we walked anias started to talk to me “so why did you come back to find me?” She asked. “Because you’re our sister” I said “yeah, we need you sis” gumball chimed in. “Cmon gumball, I know you’re not telling me everything” anias said with a stare. He looked like he was going to say something but he just sneezed. “What he was trying to say was we wanted to go back in time to prevent this from happening” I said. “What” anias said “yeah, it was gumball’s idea” I said “ I figured if anyone could get the idea off the ground it’d be you, but I can’t see how it could”

gumball’s eyes widened in realization “the remote” he said, shocked. It flashes back to the disaster. “ rob had this remote, he used it to destroy our relationship” he pointed to me “and made you not exist” he continued, pointing to anias “and we used it to go back in time! That’s it!” “What’s it?” I asked him. He grabbed my hands “we could build our own universal remote! It’s genius!” He said excitedly. “Hey genius, you should probably quiet down, we’re in town” once again, she was right.

Anias pulled us into a bush, we were at the end of a road we’ve walked millions of times before, there was a lamp going down the street as well as a chair and a couple of tables down the way. “What do we do? They’re everywhere! And look!” I pointed to a power line pole with a picture of us on it. It said “missing side table, tv, and art stand. if found, please return to owners at (lists addresses). finders will receive $150 for each item recovered” “we’ve got a huge bounty on our heads! How are we gonna get past without being seen?!!” Anais looked at me “stop” she said “I have an idea”

“Do I really have to do this?” I asked. I was morphed into a lamp. “do you want to get caught?” Anais said morphed into a toaster, her face being the bread, popping up when she talked “besides, we’re cartoons, we can turn into anything” she looks into the camera then looks away. “Hey gumball, you ready?” I asked. “Yup” he walked over as a chair. “Alright, operation objectify is a go!” Anias said “you really gotta work on that name” I said bluntly. “Whatever, just follow me” she said

A Cabinet was walking down the street and was approaching. It stopped to greet us “hi” he said “haven’t seen you folks around here before” I sweated nervously and I said“uhhhh-“ “We just got out of the house today” Anias jumped in, thank goodness she caught me. “Y-yeah, we were pretty much shut ins before” I followed up. “Well it’s nice that you guys are getting some fresh air” the cabinet said happily. “Say, you guys look a little eccentric for furniture, where are you from?” “Around here, in the bad times our owner was a real weirdo” gumball answered. The cabinet an understanding look.“Well we’d better get going, only so much time in a day” I said. We hopped away and gumball started to make a weird face, I realized what was going to happen and It did. “Achoo!!!” The cabinet turned around “wait a minute” he said “chairs don’t sneeze! And lamps don’t have shoes! You guys aren’t objects, you’re people!!!” Uh oh!

Why do I have to run so much? We’d morphed back into our regular selves and were running away from the cabinet. Gumball was dragging behind as usual, so I grabbed his hand and dragged him along. “How do we get to the hospital?” I said loudly to anias “we need a map of some kind” she said noisily “look! Over there!” Gumball said. A map was hopping down the street. Anias grabbed it as we ran past. “Hey!” It shouted as anias opened it. She pointed at west Elmore blvd. and pointed at the road sign that read the same thing. “Here’s where we are” she said

Gumball fell to the ground, tears streaming down his face. “Penny! How could I forget about you! I have no idea where you are, and You’re probably something’s footstool and It’s all my fault!!” He broke down crying. I started thinking about my lover, Carrie, she could probably escape, being immaterial and all, but that didn’t stop me from shedding some tears . I sat down next to him console him “it’ll be okay” I said teary eyed “we’re gonna fix this, together” anias sat down On the other side of gumball. “We’re gonna make that universal remote and get things back to the way things were, I promise” gumball wiped the tears from his eyes and stood up “well we’re never gonna do that sitting here are we?“ he said “let’s go!” Anias opened the map and we went on our way.

We stood at foot of the complex. The plus symbol lay on the ground. some the letters were fallen down making it spell more hostal. Sure it’s not spelled right, But I got the message. “We’re here” Anais said, tossing away the map. “Stupid people” it muttered as it walked off. We looked at each other nervously and nodded and we went inside.

As we pushed our way through the once automatic doors, our footsteps echoed in the emptiness of the giant room. The front desk void of anything at all. Anais pointed at a mounted wall map “the hospital cafeteria is to the right, we’ll stop there to see if there’s anything left to eat and set up camp” she said softly, in case there were still any other objects here. Once again, the right call from Anais.

We walked down the right hallway, pushing open several sets of doors until we reached the cafeteria. It was a wide open space with a high ceiling made of glass. Part of it was broken on one side. There were tons of empty tables arranged randomly in this circle under the glass dome. And on one side was the cafe area.

We rushed over to the cafe and saw the food laid out for us on the floor. We made a mad dash to them and stuffed our faces with all the mediocre chips and apples that were half bad as our hearts desired. We didn’t care about the quality, we’ve been starved for so long that anything tasted good. Then I heard a whoosh from behind us. “Please don’t take us back there!” I said, thinking it was an Item of some sort, however as I turned around I saw other people.

Masami, ocho, Jamie, molly, mr. cornelle, penny and- “Carrie!” I screamed rushing over to her. “Darwin! I missed you, a bit” she looked away blushing “I missed you too” I said “Penny!” Gumball screamed as he rushed over to her “gumball!” She said. She turned into her dragon form “never cause the apocalypse and leave me again!” “ there’s quite a low chance of that” she gave him an intense look “zero!! Zero!” He corrected himself. “mom!” Anais ran over to mrs. Mom, who I didn’t even notice, whoops. She gave me and gumball a warning look.

“I thought there was a raccoon infestation, but you’re here, how’d you you get here?” Mom asked. “ it’s a long story” gumball said walking over to her like me. “Yeah” I replied. We told her all about what happened about the escape, finding Anais, hiding in the woods, and the plan to travel back in time. After we finished she said “well in normal circumstances I would be furious, but right now I’m just glad you’re safe” we all went in for a hug. Awws were heard from the other survivors, then she felt gumball’s forehead “gumball! You’re burning up!” She said “yeah” gumball said with a sniffle “I’m a bit sick” “ we need to get to the sick bay, now!” She said

We rushed into a hospital room the doors swinging open “masami, test!” Mrs. Mom said urgently. She layed gumball on a makeshift mattress made out of a messy patchwork of pieces of clothes and other pieces of cloth. “Here you go mrs. Watterson” she gave her a rectangular looking thing with a cotton swab. She took the cotton swab and gave it to gumball, who sat up. “put this in your nose” she said. “What?” Gumball said, confused “now!” She said angrily. “Okay!” He replied.

“Cornelle! Tissues!!” She said to him, and he went away to get some. “Now swirl the cotton swab around in your nostrils a bit and when you’re done give it back to me, okay?” Mom said “Okay” gumball replied “here mrs. Watterson” mr. Cornelle returned with the tissues. “Thank you” she replied. “Here mom” gumball said handing over the cotton swab. She took it and put it in the test.

“So, will he be all right?” Penny and I asked at the same time “jinx” I said “you owe me a... a cure” “well I don’t have one” penny replied “well I don’t have one either, there is no cure.” Nicole “oh no!” Penny said “I knew it” I said “what’s gonna happen to me?? Could someone tell me what the what is going on!!” Gumball interrupted

“you have a hyper cold, me and anias talked about it in the woods when you were back at camp.” I said “a hyper what?!” Gumball said “a hyper cold” anias said from behind “can’t you read? It’s written on the darn test!” She pointed to the rectangular test and sure enough, she was right. “ and I’m not even sure I’m right about it, it could just be a bad case of the sniffles.” “She’s right” said “let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’ll take 30 minutes to figure out if he’s positive”

“It was about a week ago” mom started to recount her tale. “The furniture had reached the house and were surrounding me and your father” it goes into a flashback. Mrs. Mom and mr. dad were in the living room, surrounded by various objects. “what do we do” mr dad said “don’t worry” She said “I got this”

She looked to him and said “I don’t know how I’m gonna pay for all that!! Those things cost so much money, we’ll be ruined!!!” “I don’t think you should be worrying about that” he said weakly. Mom turned around with fire in her eyes “what!!!” She said in a very deep voice. Dad pointed outside shakily. She turned around to find more items causing havoc. A person being surrounded here, a guy being trampled there, and just general mayhem,. The sky had turned an ominous orange red. “Oh darn” she said

She ran out of the house grabbing mr. dad’s hand. Dad was having a hard time keeping up with her speed, so she started carrying him in her arms. She jumped from sentient car to sentient car. “Where are we going” mr. dad asked “away from here” she replied. Her footsteps thumped hard onto the pavement as she ran from the army of items chasing after her. After a solid minute of running she started slowing her pace when she realized she couldn’t run like this for long, so she stopped and put mr dad down “I may not be able to outrun you, but I can still kick your butts!”

What followed was mom’s classic brand of unbridled rage. She destroyed object after object after object In a fury. Mr. dad tried to fight too, kicking at a dresser, but it didn’t break. It growled at him and he ended up just going behind mrs. Mom. While she was fighting, she heard a scream. She grabbed mr. dad and ran towards it, punching objects along the way.

They stumbled across
mr. Cornelle, cowering in fear surrounded by furniture “come with her if you want to live” mr. dad said pointing to mom with his thumb. “Aww, I wanted to say that” mrs. Mom said sadly “just get up” “thanks, I thought I was a goner” mr. cornelle said “now where are we goi-“ she grabbed his hand and they were off.

“So what happened to” I asked looking around the room. “look behind you” a familiar voice said. I turned around and it was mr. Dad! Me and anias rushed into hug him “Dad!” We said “You found the kids!” He said to mom “no, they found us” she replied. Mr. dad nodded “I’m just glad you’re okay”

he turned over to gumball “well 2 out of three ain’t bad” he said. stared at him like he just ate a three week old pizza slice off the floor. “What!” He turned to him “Sorry gumball” “it’s cool” gumball said weakly “anyway, I need a Recap, I was out getting more food from the abandoned grocery store” he untied the plastic shopping bags tied to his belt to the floor. It made a loud clinking sound, cans falling out. “Whoa, impressive haul!”Jamie said. “Thanks” he said “now can you tell me what you’re doing here?”

“I was just telling the story of how we got here to the kids while we were waiting for the results for the hyper cold test” mom said to mr. dad “hyper cold!?” He said nervously “that’s not good” “how does he know what it is!!” Gumball said frustrated. Then he sneezed loudly into his arm. “She told me” dad said pointing to mrs mom. “Oh” gumball said. “Can you continue with the story now?” I asked

“Okay” said mrs mom continuing the story “so I was running away from the furniture with your father and mr. cornelle” it goes into a flashback. We see mrs. Mom holding the hands of and mr. cornelle. “We’ve got to get to the store” she said “ but I don’t have any mone- oh right it’s the apocalypse” mr. cornelle said. “Let’s go” she said. She ran down the streets at blazing speeds leaving a trail of fire behind her. Mr dad and mr. cornelle were barely holding on and were waving behind her like a flag in a hurricane. They arrived there in record time. As the two guys were experiencing vertigo, started walking in saying “cmon guys we have to take things while we still can!” “ just a second” mr. cornelle said weakly, then threw up off camera.

She rushed in grabbing a shopping cart and slamming through the automatic door. A couple other people were in the store stealing things and breaking stuff. Jamie had her hands on a broom and was using it to defend her pile of stolen goods. Bonking people on the head if they got close. “Now that’s my kinda girl” mrs mom said. She walked over to Jamie, and said “you wanna join my rebelli-ow!” Jamie bonked her on the head. “Sorry, I thought you were gonna steal my stuff, did you say rebellion!?” “Yes” Mrs mom said “you wanna claim this store as our own?” She said with a determined look “heck yeah!” Jamie said lifting the broom in the air. “okay, just remember those two are with me so don’t hurt them” she said gesturing to dad and mr. cornelle. Mr. dad did an awkward wave towards her. “Ready?” Jamie asked “ready” mrs. Mom replied. And they went away from the camera.

“So why aren’t you still at the store?” I asked “it seemed like the perfect hideout” she turned to me “well it didn’t turn out the way we hoped” she replied. It goes into a flashback, with all of the survivors in a circle in the store around a fire made from burning shirts and other store items.“it was a few days later” she narrated, “molly had joined us, as well as ocho, who’s become really helpful with his destruction abilities and intensity” “you think I’m intense?!!!” Ocho screamed “no, no, it’s the perfect amount of intensity” mrs. Mom correcting herself. “Anyway” she continued “we were at the store, and we started hearing this rumbling sound” it goes into the flashback again. “What’s that?” She asked, looking through the opening in the now barricaded store window. Her eyes widened “it’s a mob” she whispered.

Outside the store was surrounded by a line of sentient bulldozers lead by a dryer. Behind them were other angry looking objects, ready to take down this building. “Do think this this is the place with the fugitives?” Asked a lamp. The dryer looked at the smoke coming from the building “this is the place.” It said. The lamp replied “do we really have to destroy them?” “Yes, take it down.” The bulldozers rolled toward the store, putting panic in her face. She turned to the others “hit the deck!!!”

“The shop was completely destroyed” she said coming out of the flashback. “we took as many things as possible and left, We only barely made it out alive” “where were penny Carrie and Masami in all this?” I asked “we were at the hospital” Masami said “I was visiting my dad who had a case of it” “I was visiting my little sister Polly, she twisted her ankle” penny said. Everyone looked at Carrie. “what?” She said “why were you here, Carrie?” I asked “cmon dar it’s embarrassing” she whispered in my ear. “It can’t be that bad” I replied. “Theres so much death here, a lot of new ghosts” “and you chose her, right?” Gumball’s said snarkily, Then coughed.

“Anyway” Masami continued “ I was visiting my father” it goes into a flashback. She’s floating beside a bed with her dad. He coughed and lightning sparked around him. “Curse this cough” he said angrily. “When will it get any better?” “I’m sure it will, it just takes time” Masami replied “I don’t have the time!!!” Then he banged his fist on the bed “I’ve got to get back to-“ “would you shut up!!” The bed started to talk “ I am fed up with you people!! And I heard that a revolt is coming on, so who’s with me!!!” Yeses were heard from the others items in the room. Then the beds raced out the window carrying Mr. Yoshida with them. “Dad!” Masami screamed.