had the coolest dream
16.01.2022 06:16
LinkDude I was asleep on my bus going to school and I wakr up and this super radical dude is sitting on the back of the seat in front of me facing me and like
He's got above the shoulder length black wavy hair, tattoos of writing with swirls above it all over his arms and stomach, he's shirtless, and he's got these two backpack-like leather straps on his shoulders with two skinnier, looser straps on top of em with these sorta baggy knee length pants and I think he might've been barefoot
The words all over this dude were all things his mom had said cause she passed away like 🥺🥺
Be was super chill and we were quick friends and once we got to the school we fist bumped and he walked away with one of my irl buds and I went to class and woke up
But like dude I wish this mans was real he was so sweet and epic ðŸ˜ðŸ˜