11.08.2021 05:15
Hey guys, I saw a Toon (I’m from Toonator guys leave me alone 😬😬) about this person saying they were going to Kill themselves along with a suicide note. The note made me realize how much I hate life as well. I feel like I’m copying this person. I just want to vent. I don’t want likes or comments or anything I just have to post to myself. I think of ending my life a lot. I’ve tried to commit 3 times. First time I tried to slit my wrists, Seconded time I overdosed. And the third time I overdosed again and jumped off a high place. I can’t seem to end my life no matter what I try. I’m dating this one guy, his name is Kye. He doesn’t animate or anything so I’m not sure why I’m saying this.

11.08.2021 05:15
Link But, he’s in a mental hospital right now. And we spent almost every day together. But now he’s at a mental hospital and I’m not sure I can make it a week without talking to him. He comes back Saturday afternoon but I could barley make it through day 1 of him being gone and now I have to make it through 4 more days without him.

11.08.2021 05:17
Link And what’s even scarier is that I’m afraid that he’s going to change. I’m scared that he’s going to leave me and he’s just going to be so different from how he was before. I’m just scared and I’m not sure that I’m gonna make it, or if I even want to. Have a good night guys <3 Love ya